Puppy Love

713 25 19

Cerberus ^^^
*Marshall's POV*

We continued ahead, Gumball a few steps in front of me, with Collin and Cake trailing behind me.

The path was going up in a bit of an incline, but I couldn't see anything ahead except for more rock.

I drew my gaze across the bleak landscape.

Rock, rock, ash, and more rock.

Quite bland.

"Very boring." I muttered to myself.

Eventually, the path got a lot more steep.

Like, a giant cliff steep.

Gumball had already started climbing as I stopped at the base.

Collin and Cake reached me and stopped as well.

I looked over to them.

"I'm not climbing this." I stated as I levitated off the ground and into the air.

I heard Cake give a hum of agreement as she stretched her legs and body up into the air.

I looked down at Collin, who gave a sigh before he started climbing as well.

It took me a minute or two to soar up to the top.

I stepped onto the rock and immediately widened my eyes as my jaw hit the ground.

After a few moments of gawking, I turned around and noticed Cake standing beside me, doing the same.

I walked back to the edge of the cliff and looked down.

"Guys! You may want to see this!" I shouted down at them.

Collin's voice rang back, "Kinda hard to see when we have to climb a giant ass cliff!"

I rolled my eyes as I raised my hand.

I pointed down at Gumball and lifted him up through the air.

"Woah!" He exclaimed, surprised, as I set him down beside me.

I turned back and did the same to Collin.

"Wow." Collin stared off into the distance.

A few feet from us, the rock leveled off and gave us a great view of the large expanse in front of us.

There was a giant lava lake in the middle that bubbled and spewed forth ash every few seconds.

It was surrounded by fields that extended as far as the eye could see.

In those fields were an indefinite number of things.

All four of us walked to the edge and looked down.

The one closest to us, at the bottom of the giant rock wall, held a small figure who seemed to be stuck in place as what looked like dogs of some sort circled him.

Suddenly, the dogs converged on him and attacked him. The figure let out a scream of agony as the first dog reached him.

My hand immediately shot up and covered Gumball's eyes.

"Wait! Marshall I wanna see!" He exclaimed quickly.

I couldn't tear my eyes away as I watched the dogs pull the figure apart.

His screams echoed across the fields.

I raised my eyes and gazed across the fields.

Those aren't echoes...

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