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Felix sighed as he withness his brother chatting up, Marinette. Truth be, he was starting to enjoy Marinette's company. When he frist meant her, he thought she was most annoying girl alive. That's saying something because he knew Chloe.

He knew his brother needed someone to support him both in and out of costume. Felix however wanted Adrien to choose anyone but Marinette. He wanted to tell Marinette everything. That his father was Papillion, his mother was Paon, and blow Adrien's secert in the process.

He knew Ladybug was Marinette. She had to be. At first it didn't make sense to him but then he came to realize they both share similiar traits the peices seemed to fall together. It was to bad that she liked Adrien. No, she loved Adrien but if Felix stopped for a secound to notice he would back down.

Felix was furasted with everything. The trophy boy, Adrien getting sympathy from others even if he wasn't the only that got hurt. Felix wasn't a emotionless cliche anime character most people pegged him to be. He was more. Much more but some people couldn't look past Adrien to see his shadow indeed had a soul.

"You seem like you've been through the ringer." 

A boy said as he patted Felix's back. Felix recongized this boy as Adrien's best friend, Nino. Felix didn't repsond. He didn't like being touched.

"Are you jealous?"

Nino asked as he shot a glance at Adrien and Marinette talking to each other.

"I not familiar with that sensation."

Felix was of course. He knew it all to well. His parents never fonded over him like they did with Adrien. Maybe it had somewthing to do with their names. Felix the first born named by his dad. He was named after the hotel his parents spend the night at after they eloped. Adrien got to be named by their mother. Adrien was named after the cafe, their parents meant at. 

As a child, Felix was always ahead of his peers and then their was Adrien who lagged slighty behind yet he became the favorite. Felix tried to prove he could do better but Adrien always out shined him.  Jealously has away to manifest into hatred.

"Bro, you have to let Adrien have a life."

Nino said thinking that Felix was jealous that Marinette was spending time with her instead of him. Nino thought that Felix wasn't attracted to anyone. 

"He never let me have one."

Hate, envy, greed, and anger were all evident in his voice. He dispised his brother more then anyone would think was possible.

"Dude, you can't mean that."

Nino said. His modren terms annoying Felix who was going to major in law one day like his mother.

"Do not call me 'Bro' or 'Dude'. I am not your brother nor do I dress elaborately. If you wish to speak to me, speak properly."


"I am also not a female's support system."

Nino just started cracking up. He knew Felix was serious but he didn't think he would describe a bra as a female's support system. Felix sounded as if he was a english prick from the nineteen hundreds.

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