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Felix started to walk past the park when he notice a brunette girl with two small ponytails stretching to reach a white cat stuck in a tree.
Felix would have walked right pass the sad little girl but he could never walk away from a kitty in need especially whites ones.

The girl looked up at Felix and thought he was a terrifying sight to behold. She bursted into tears. Felix just shrugged it off, it wasn't the first time he made a kid cry.

Felix hoisted himself up into the tree. He slithered up the branches as if he was a nimble cat on the prowl for a bird. He managed to get himself on the thicker end and the cat on the thinner part.

"Here, kitty, kitty."

Felix called as he sat on the branch in a catlike position. The cat was latched on the branch in pure fear of falling.

"Who's a purretty kitty?"
Felix asked wondering if it the sound vibrations of a cat pun would urge the cat over to him. Marinette couldn't help to noticed Felix's purrdicament after she comforted crying Manon.

"Manon, how about you get ice cream, why I get your cat down."

Marinette handed Manon a couple of dollars, hoping that the ice cream would cheer her up.
After Manon left, Marinette looked up at the weird blonde teen. One look was all it took for her to laugh.

"Hey, Dupain don't laugh at me."

"Can't.... stop."

Marinette said between her laughs.

"Who gave you permission to laugh at me?"

Marinette continued to laugh at the agitated blonde.

"Fine, be that way."

He stretched reaching for the cat.
Marinette and Felix both heard a creaky sound coming from the branch. Marinette's demeanor changed. Gravity was bound to talk effect.

"Felix, don't fall."

"Does Dupain care about me?"
Felix said teasingly.

"No, I just really like this tree.
It's my favorite tree so don't break it."

Felix shook his head and slightly grinned.

"Did you just smile?" she asked.

"Agreste smile? Have you seen Gabriel?"

He said denying her accusation.
He leaned across the branch and tried to grab the cat's scurf. The cat jumped back off the branch in sudden shock. The cat walked it off like he meant to do that.

Felix then realized he was a bit stuck but
he refused to emit that.
He heard the branch creak again.
Marinette could see his face flush white.

"Felix, are you okay?"

She asked worried about his safety.

'Why I'm afuraid of this?I've climbed a tree before. The last time was when I was with Gabriel and he said he would catch me and I was in the purrocess of jumping into he's arms, his phone rang, he answered it, and I landed flat on my five year old face. I don't have father issues. I have Gabriel issues and
height issues.' He thought.

"I'm fine."

Marinette could tell by the tone of his voice that he was lying.

"Don't lie."

"I'm not."

"If you don't jump now, the branch will snap."

The thought of the branch snapping made him latch onto the branch even harder.

"I'm purrtty.....intent to stay up here away from you."

He nerves were evident in his voice as the branch started to break.

'I'm going to die! I'm going to die!'

He thought as he fell off onto helpless Marinette. For a catlike boy he was extremely uncoordinated.

Cats Leave Paw Prints [*Completed*]Where stories live. Discover now