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Adrien exclaimed as she walked around with something wrapped in black tissue paper.

"Hi, Adrien."

She blurted out. She was a little embarrassed since she was looking for ChatNoir. 

"Are you looking for someone?"

"Yes, I known this may sound stupid but I'm looking for ChatNoir."


"I made him some pastries."

She felt a little bad that she didn't have the finely wrapped blue bundle that was supposed to be Adrien's.

"You must really like him then."

Adrien kind of thought she liked Nathanael or Felix. Yes, she did tell ChatNoir, she liked Adrien but maybe that was a especially good façade. 

"I like him but nothing more then a friend. He's sweet, he's compassionate, he's funny, and well, frankly looks good in tights. But, I have someone better in mind."

"Better? How? You just discribed all the quilaties a girl would want in a man. And whoever this boy is doesn't derserve you as much as ChatNoir does."

Marinette looked at him a bit stunned. She didn't execpt him to aprove of her and ChatNoir ever being a thing. Adrien, himself lacked the decency to tell her both him and ChatNoir were lost causes. That she needed to move on. Hopefully not with Felix. He didn't want that nightmarish world to become reality.

"I rather date Felix."

She joked. She was trying to make light of a difficult situion but it seems her joke made things much more awkward. She indeed was kissed by Felix. She was kissed by more boys in these couple of months then she would of ever of guessed.

"Date him then."

His voice radianted with jealous. It wasn't concern just pure unvented jealously.


Marinette was confused. She didn't understand why such a pure boy could suggest such a thing even if it was his brother he was pushing her towards.

"I'm sorry, Marinette. I didn't mean to get so jealous. Just the thought of you with someone like Felix or Nathaneal just doesn't sit right. I know you and your way to nice of a person to settle for those guys."

"Your jealous?"

"Of course I am. They get to spend time with you why I'm off doing modeling stuff."

"I don't really talk to them besides ChatNoir."

Marinette couldn't decide if she liked Adrien's jealous side. She knew for a fact that she thought ChatNoir was irresistably cute when jealous. 

"ChatNoir is lucky to have you."

"Yah, he kind of needs luck with the whole black cats are bad luck thing."

She defintly was spending to much time with ChatNoir but Adrien found it quite funny.

"Your funny, Purr-incess."

He repleid not realizing he wasn't in his ChatNoir costume. Just being in Marinette's company was comforting a little too comforting.

"Did you just call me Princess?"

"Yes, but it was accident."

Just the way he said princess reminded her of ChatNoir but she assumed that Felix was ChatNoir and maybe just by chance there was a secert triplet and he was ChatNoir.


"Would you believe me if I told you I knew ChatNoir?"

That is not at all what he wanted to say. He wanted to confess. Tell her that him and ChatNoir were one in the same and that he was chasing a red dot but he didn't have the courage.

"He's not a secert Agreste triplet is he?"

"What? No."

"I had a theory. "

He smiled at her. She was his rock. His diamond in the ruff. 

Cats Leave Paw Prints [*Completed*]Where stories live. Discover now