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Adrien headed to the kitchen to grab some snacks to eat with his mom as they looked threw the photos. Marinette stood stirring batter as a two children sat on the counter eating sweets. 

"Uncle, Adrien!"

They screamed jumping off the counter to hug him. Adrien had no idea who the were but he hug them anyway. Why wouldn't he?  Both with a hair color similar to Marinette's and light blue eyes. The girl had ponytails just like Marinette did in high school and a shirt that read 'Daddy's little kitten'. The boy had a shaggy hair just like Adrien did when he was dressed like ChatNoir and a shirt that read 'Meow-my's boy.' 

"Nina, Louis, go give grandpa Tom the cookies you made."

Marinette told her kids as she laid the bowl on the stove next to the cookie sheet. 

"Right, meow?"

Louis asked. Adrien looked at Louis as if he was a proud father that just watched he's kid ride a bike for the first time.

"Right, meow, both of you."

Marinette handed them each a plate piled with cookies obviously decorated by the kids. The kids walked off arguing who cookies grandpa Tom would like more.

"Marinette, you good with kid....."

Adrien was cut off when he noticed Marinette's pregnant belly.

"Your pregnant?!"

"Your very observant."

She giggled. Adrien visited almost every week to hang with her kids but the expression that he had on his face was utter shock as if he had never seen her pregnant.

"How many months?"

"Due in a week or two actually. He's a kicker."

"Can I feel?"

Adrien could see that she was hesitate but the baby was his nephew after all.  She took his hand and laid it on her belly. Almost immediately he felt a kick. Adrien's face lite up. Something Marinette has never seen before.
Adrien noticed that Marinette wasn't her usual goofy clumsy self this time she was more mature. Was it by the hand motherhood?

"I want one."

"Have you told Chloé?"

"No, I don't think she would want to ruin her figure."

"Hey, if anyone could pull of mom jeans it be Chloé."

Adrien smiled. He still didn't know if this was reality or fantasy. If there's one person he could trust it would be Marinette.

"Marinette, can I tell you something."

"Go ahead."

"I don't remember anything between teaming up with Ladybug in high school to the car ride here."

"That's big gap."

Adrien still had his hand on her belly as he felt another kick.

"Still want one."

She move his hand off so baby kicks won't distract him.

"Where to start um... we dated and you sent Felix in your place. Felix and I dated for a year then he told me he was ChatNoir and asked to marry him."

"ChatNoir, Felix?"

"Is your circuits fried? Of ChatNoir Felix. You two come from a long line of Miraculous holders. You were the only one that didn't get one. Chloé, your wife even has the bee Miraculous. Paon was your Mom, Papillon, your dad. A long line of heroes."

"Papillon? Hero? And what's with goody toe shoes Felix?"

Adrien wasn't a hero and his dad was? What twisted world did he live in?

"Adrien are you okay?"

Marinette asked as she patted his shoulder.

"No, I'm not. I don't know if this is real."


She places his had back on her belly to feel the baby kick once more.

"Feel that."

Adrien nodded.

"That's your nephew, that's a life, that's reality."

"Your such a good friend, Marinette."

"You know it."

"What's his name?"

"Taylor Thomas Agreste. Felix wanted to make a cat pun out of his name and I wanted to name him after my father."

Adrien shook his head that was a terrible pun even by Adrien's standards.

Cats Leave Paw Prints [*Completed*]Where stories live. Discover now