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Y/N: It hurts...my body hurts. Wait...I'm still alive...? Does that mean...

I slowly open my eyes and notice that I'm laying on a bed. I look at the ceiling, which was all rocky and dripping with a bit of water. There was a huge hole in the ceiling as well, letting in some sunlight into the room I was in. I slowly move my head to the side so I can see more, trying to ignore the pain that launches through my body while trying to look around. Once I manage to completely turn my head, I get a full view of the room I was in. I was in a large cave that had some furniture around the place.  Water was running down the walls and into a small streams that went through the ground, with some wooden planks were used as walkways over the streams. I groan weakly and try to sit up, although I quickly stop and grip onto the sheets of the bed. 

Y/N: Was it a dream...? It must've been...something like that can't possibly exist.

I then heard some footsteps approaching from the side. I look up and notice the shadow of someone coming up, the shadow showing that it was a rather small figure. The person then turned the corner and gasped, revealing to me that it was Rickert. I smile brightly and quickly sit up, ignoring the pain and grabbing onto him. I open my mouth and try to speak to him, although some little gasps are the only things that come out. I shut my mouth and rub my throat a bit before clearing it and trying again, although the same noises come out.

Rickert: Hold it! You might be thirsty, let me get you a cup of water.

He patted my shoulder and walk off to get a cup of water. I continue to rub my throat and breathe heavily.

Y/N: What the hell...?! I swear I could talk...I know it!

I try to speak again, only to have nothing come out. I begin to tremble and look around, trying to see if there was a way for me to communicate. Rickert then came back into the room and handed me a cup of water, which I grabbed and drank. I then tried to speak again, but still nothing. 

Rickert: Wait a minute...can you not talk? Did something happen inside that tornado?

Y/N: Tornado...?

I tilt my head and raise an eyebrow before I sigh and look around. I then use my hand and move it around in a writing motion. 

Rickert: Oh, you want something to write with?

I smile and nod. He nods and walks off again and comes back with some paper and a quill. I set the paper down on a desk at the side of the bed and write my message.

Y/N: "Where's your group? The injured men of the Band of the Hawk we were suppose to rendezvous with."

Rickert: Oh...w-well...something happened. While you guys were out...something attacked us. It was like...giant bugs..and a giant slug-

I gasp and stop him before making a very brief sketch of the "slug" that had eaten Pippin during the eclipse. I then showed him the drawing and made a question mark next to the drawing.

Rickert: Y-yeah...that thing and a bunch of bugs came by and killed everyone...I'm the only survivor...

I set the quill down onto the desk and run my fingers through my hair, some beads of sweat rolling down my face.

Y/N: So that's it...everyone is dead. Wait...!

I quickly grab the quill again and dip it into the ink before writing out another message.

Y/N: "Is Guts here? Or Casca?"

Rickert: Um...yeah...they're a little down the other side of the cave...

An Obscure Destiny (Band of the Hawk Insert Reader)Where stories live. Discover now