Baptism By Fire

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It's been a couple weeks since I've joined the Band of the Hawk now, and I've gotten much better in fighting thanks to everyone who's been willing to train me. We never found out who had tried to kill me, but some of the members have told me that they'll keep an eye out for anything suspicious. I walk back to my tent and set my things down before looking back up to see Griffith.

Griffith: Y/N, I can see that you're starting to fit in with the Band of the Hawk.

Y/N: Y-yes sir!

Griffith: There's no need to be so formal. But I've come to tell you to not get too comfortable with the way things are.

Y/N: Well...what do you mean?

Griffith: We're mercenaries, and that means that we're going to be in battles for a while. When those battles come; the last thing I would need is to have one of my men hesitate in the heat of the moment. I need you to be ready for whenever we're hired to fight.

I stared at him for a while. This whole thing had caught me off guard; I didn't know how to respond to him.

Griffith: Do I make myself clear Y/N?

Y/N: Yes...I got it.

He smiled slightly and nodded before he walked out of my tent. I stared at the exit of my tent before I laid down back on my bed and sighed heavily.

Y/N: Try not to think about it so much...just'll do fine when the time comes.

~A couple days later~

As fate would have it, we received word that we are to go into battle. I was finally given some armor, it was pretty basic: chest plate, some sort of gauntlets, a helmet, and a broad sword. I was on horseback and was to wait for the order for the group I was in to move in.

Soldier: Alright! When we see the commander raise the flag, we're to charge into the enemy lines and destroy it! And any of you newcomers...try not to get yourselves killed.

Y/N: Try to not die...easier said than done...

I was just about to ask someone a question before I noticed the flag get raised in the air. Everyone around me began to scream and gallop past me. I let out a scream and charge down with them, my blade drawn and held up in the sky. Within moments, we crashed into the enemy lines. I yelp as my horse crashed into the body of one of the enemy soldiers, sending him flying to the ground. The charge soon came to a stop as the enemy began to fight back. I look around and try to see if there's anyone in need of my help.

Y/N: Damn...everything's happening so fast. I can't even-

Before I can even finish my sentence, I feel my body get launched off my horse. My eyes widen as I hit the ground, causing the wind in my body to get knocked out. Soon a sharp pain goes down my arm the moment I tried to move it; an arrow is what did this. I groan and slowly get up, my good arm still holding onto the sword. I look towards an enemy soldier and run towards them, my blade ready to pierce their throat. Before I could even react, the enemy soldier quickly parrys my attack and throws me to the ground.

Enemy: Well, it appears that you can't fight too well. I'll take it that you're just fodder.

I growl and swing my blade, which doesn't even do much to his armor. He growled and raised his mace, ready to smash my face in. I gasp and roll out of the way; and as if the stars had aligned, the tip of the blade slashed the man's throat. Blood began to spurt out of the wound, some of it getting on me. I watch as the man falls to his knees, gurgling and coughing up blood before he collapsed. I suddenly get a feeling in my stomach which soon causes me to vomit. I tremble and look at my blade and then at the man.

An Obscure Destiny (Band of the Hawk Insert Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang