The Battle for Doldrey: Part 1

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It took a couple weeks for not only the Hawks to prepare, but a large portion of Midland's armies to also prepare for the most significant battle of the war. Tudor's forces have been losing much of their territory, thanks to us helping in multiple battles. Now, Tudor's last foothold on Midland was the fortress of Doldrey. The only problem with that, was that the fortress has never been breached during the whole hundred years of warfare. The large fortress has walls that tower over the sandy terrain. The fortress was also built with it's rear in the mountain, forcing any attacker to attack in one direction. The fort was also heavily defended, in both manpower and in weapons. And as of today, Midland and the Hawks were to lay siege on the fortress. We all gathered on the southern part of the wall, along with some of Midland's elite knights.

Leon: So, we take the fortress and kick Tudor out Midland territory for good?

Y/N: That's the plan. I've heard a lot about this fort, but you know how exaggerated things can get. A hundred years of warfare and Tudor has never lost the fortress. Besides, we have a large portion of Midland's army with us.

Leon: Well yeah, but the king requested at least a hundred Hawks. 

Y/N: We're practically the good luck charm of Midland. The enemy will see us and they'll route.

Leon: Well...I guess. Although I don't know how I feel about being led around by a Midland general.

Y/N: It's fine, I have faith in them.

I smile reassuringly and looked towards the fortress. I stroke my horse's mane, soothing it before going into battle. The general then ordered for the battering rams to move forward, along with the siege towers. After a while, we were ordered to go as support for the siege equipment. I unsheathe my sword and gallop forward, leading my small group of men. Soon a volley of arrows came crashing down upon us.

Y/N: Scatter around! But don't go too far from us!

Soldiers: Yes sir!

We all scatter around, some of our men and horses getting hit by some arrows and dropping dead. We continued our push forward, with our cavalry finally pulling back now that the siege equipment has gotten close to the walls. With that, Midland sent in the main force, a large horde of knights running towards the walls to scale it.  As we rode back, the sound of cannons being fired echoed all around the area. Without warning, I'm thrown off my horse and crash onto the ground. I roll across the hard sandstone before coming to a stop. I looked up to my horse, which had its hind legs completely ripped off. I stared at the horse before looking back at Midland's advancing forces, which had a large gap in their ranks. The gap was covered in the mutilated corpses of the ranks. I slowly rise to my feet before more cannon fire echoed through the air again. This time, the cannons tore a siege tower apart, causing it to collapse. The soldiers who were in the tower screamed as they all fell to the ground, the tower killing everyone inside it.

Y/N: Fuck sake, this is terrible.

Soon Leon came riding over, looking at me.

Leon: Y/N! It's a fucking slaughter out there! It happened so fast. Their cannon fire is precise and their archers are now focusing fire on the other advancing soldiers!

Y/N: Come on, we'll pull back for now.

Leon: We can't! The general isn't allowing any of us to leave.

I groan a bit before he pulled me onto his horse.

Leon: Your orders?

Y/N: Um...just...I dunno. We're cavalry, we're not supposed to charge around out here with nothing to attack.

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