Times of Leisure

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Y/N: Warm...very warm. It's also comfortable...and...a bit heavy.

I slowly opened my eyes to see the a well-lit room, with the sun shining through the windows. I touch my forehead and feel some wet cloth. I try to move my legs, but something is laid on top of them. I groan and slowly sit up to see Casca sitting at the side of the bed, sleeping on top of my legs. I chuckled softly and moved my legs a bit more to wake her up. She slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes, yawning a bit before turning towards me and gasping.

Casca: Y/N! You're awake! Oh my god, we all thought you were dead!

Y/N: Really...? How long was I out...?

Casca: You were unconscious for four days.

Y/N: Four days!

I groaned as I looked around, my head thumping a bit.

Casca: Hey, take it easy. Zodd really did a number on you.

Y/N: Yeah...how do you all know about Zodd and I don't?

Casca: You really don't know? Zodd the Immortal, or Nosferatu Zodd, has reportedly been around for a hundred years. He fights in battles, and when people report to have killed him, he's seen in another battle. But I had no idea that he could...transform.

Y/N: One hundred..? He said he's been around for three hundred...

Casca: Well...that's good to know...

She sighed and stared at me before beginning to tear up.

Y/N: Whoa! Casca, what's wrong..?

Casca: It's just...you and Griffith...you're getting hurt because of Guts...and I can't stand it!

She covered her face with her hands and began to cry. I stare at her for a moment before reaching out to her. I groan a bit as I slowly wrap my arm around her and pull her close, sitting back into the pillows. Her crying calmed down a bit as she slowly looked up towards me.

Casca: W-what are you...?

Y/N: What does it look like...? I'm comforting you. I volunteered to go in there because Zodd had killed at least eight of my men. The same goes for Guts, we were both frustrated and simply wanted him to pay for what he had done. Maybe if we knew who he was, we wouldn't have gone in. Well, maybe Guts would've gone in because...ya know...he's Guts.

I chuckle softly and wait for Casca's reaction. She stared at me for a couple seconds before chuckling as well. She wiped away her tears and sat up straight.

Casca: Thank you, I needed that. 

Y/N: Anytime. Say, how long did you wait here?

Casca: Oh, um...I can't remember. All I remember is coming over to check on you...then sitting down and I guess I just fell asleep.

Y/N: I see...well thank you for keeping me company while I was out. Where are the nurses?

Casca: Oh...they're with Griffith. I was the one who...did all this. 

Y/N: You? You wrapped me up and all this stuff?

 Casca: Yes, I did. You also caught a fever a bit afterwards. It's amazing to see you alive.

Y/N: I may be alive but that doesn't mean that I feel like it.

She chuckled and nodded a bit.

Casca: I could imagine. Just lay down and take it easy, I'll be taking care of you.

I stared at her for a minute before nodding and smiling a bit. She smiled as well before she got up and walked off. I laid back in the bed and groaned a bit more, my body still aching. After a while she came back with a tray, on the tray was a bowl of soup. I looked at it and then at her.

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