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News of Doldrey's fall spread like wildfire. The king of Midland seemed so impressed and pleased that he invited us to his city. To make things even better, he invited the commanders and captains of the Hawks to a ball. Although right now, the whole army was to return to the capital for a welcome. I was not too far behind Griffith, with Guts and Casca being in front of me. I looked at the walls of the capital and grinned.

Y/N: Aren't you guys excited?! We've finally been invited to a banquet! 

Guts: I mean...it's cool. But that means I'm gonna have to dress formally. 

Y/N: Ah, you're right, that won't be too fun. 

Casca: Don't forget the nobels. They won't stop pestering us for our stories and dances.

I groan and roll my eyes.

Y/N: Come on guys, lighten up. 

The two look towards me and narrow their eyes before looking forward. I sigh and rub the back of my neck. The moment Griffith walked through the gates, loud cheers and trumpets echoed through the air. I gripped the reigns to my horse tightly and grinned. After a couple seconds, my horse walks through the gates and into the streets of the city. Hundreds of people cheer and toss flowers to us. I look up to the houses, which have more people sticking their bodies out the window and cheering. I look down the side of the path and see a long line of people on both sides of the path, all of which have Midland soldiers making sure none got out and hurt themselves.

Y/N: Holy fuck....this is awesome...

I then hear the laughter of some children near me. I looked to the right and saw a small group of kids running alongside my horse. I smile and wave at the kids, making them all gasp, their eyes full of joy and amazement. I look ahead and see a group of people trying to hand out small batches of flowers to us. I reach out and grab a small bundle of flowers before looking ahead at Guts. I grin and move my horse closer so I can reach him. I then place some flowers in his hair and move back to my spot. Soon Judeau rides up next to me and stares at Guts.

Judeau: Y/N? You did that?

Y/N: Of course. I wanna see how long it takes for him to notice, after all, he does seem to be in deep thought.

Judeau chuckles a bit before a couple women start to call out to him, wanting him to lift them onto his horse.

Y/N: Come on Judeau, you can give them a ride.~

I grin and nudge his arm, causing him to narrow his eyes and smile a bit.

Judeau: Oh yeah? How about that lady right there?

He then gestures to a woman to the left of me, who is fairly large and almost has the voice of a man. I slowly turn towards Judeau, who is holding in his laughters.

Y/N: You're an ass.

He laughs and shakes his head before looking forward. I look as well, noticing that Casca was staring at the flowers that were in Guts' hair. Guts looked to her and raised an eyebrow before looking back at me.

Guts: What did you do?

Y/N: Why do you assume that I did it?!

Guts: Because you're the only one who would even bother.

I playfully pout before he touches his hair. He felt around and finally got the flowers. He picked them out one by one before throwing them back at me. I laugh and give him the thumbs up, causing him to roll his eyes and look back to the front. 

An Obscure Destiny (Band of the Hawk Insert Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora