A New Member

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We had been fighting for a couple months now. The fortress we were stationed at was still holding out, but there was still no sign of a relief force in sight. At this point, it was clear that we were gonna lose, but it was a matter of time. I had talked with a couple of soldiers the other day of whether we should simply escape, or if they had a way to escape. Unfortunately, there wasn't a real way to escape. With that thought in mind, it was obvious that we were still gonna have to keep on fighting and hope that someone would come and save us.

The day started as normal. We woke up, ate whatever we had, and then prepared ourselves for a potential attack from the enemy. I stood at my post and looked over the sea of enemy soldiers stationed outside of the walls. I yawned and rested my head on the merlon. I closed my eyes for a couple minutes before I felt someone hit me across the back of the head. My eyes shot open as I stood upright and turned around to see who had hit me.

Corkus: Don't sleep on watch...you'll get all of us killed like that. I should kill you just for that right now!

Y/N: Don't be like that Corkus...you know I have troubles sleeping.

Corkus: Yeah well it's a personal problem if you ask me. So don't go off and start using that as an excuse to get out your job.

Y/N: It's not like that. God you're such an ass.

Corkus: Yeah and you're one hell of a burden. I don't know why Griffith decided to let you join us...but he must've had a good reason...

He began to mumble to himself about something involving Griffith. I raised an eyebrow and leaned in a bit to hear better, although he quickly shoved me back.

Corkus: Mind your own damn business!

Y/N: Sorry! But I couldn't help but notice that you take a liking to Griffith. You wouldn't happen to-

Before I knew it, his fist had made contact with my face. I stumbled back and held my nose for a couple seconds before I groaned and stood back up. He grabbed me by the throat and glared.

Corkus: It's not like that you fucking jackass! Griffith is a capable leader and simply knows what he's doing! He makes good decisions but some of those decisions I can't help but question! Like why he let a runt like you into this army! But I have to deal with it! 

I growled and grabbed his wrist and pried his hand off of my throat. I opened my mouth to say something, but the sound of something being launched was heard. Corkus and I slowly look over to see something heading towards us. 

Corkus: Oh shit! Everyone get down!

Everyone looked up and quickly ran for cover as more objects were launched towards us. I quickly got behind cover as the object crashed into the courtyard. I looked down to see two old corpses lying in the middle of the courtyard. With each object hitting the ground, the more these corpses appeared. 

Soldier: T-those bastards are launching their own dead in here! Gather them up quickly and have them burnt! We can't let disease take a hold of this fort!

Corkus and I quickly got up and ran down the stairs of the wall before we both came to one of the mutilated corpses. I instantly covered my mouth and nose and began to gag. The stench of it was absolutely terrible. I looked at the corpse before I reached down and grabbed its arm. I began to drag it into a building before Corkus, rather reluctantly, picked it up by its legs and helped me carry it into the building. One by one, we would carry the bodies only have more launched into the walls. We would spend the next five hours carrying the bodies until we were forced to simply pile them up outside. By nighttime, there were hundreds of bodies. By now we had already started to burn the bodies. I covered my nose and mouth with my sleeve and stared at the fires. 

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