The Sacrifice

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~A/N: "Okay, this chapter does have a rape scene. I'll give another warning when it's about to occur, but the rest of the chapter is gonna be a bloodfest, so you've been warned".~



I grip my blade tightly as all the demons around us came rushing forward, all of them laughing and shrieking. I look for my horse, only to see it get snatched by one of the demons and devoured. I began to back away as the demons got closer, the soldiers in front of me all standing in shock before beginning to back away with me. The demons then came crashing down upon us, the first couple men in the very front getting crushed. A large demon snatched three men in front of me and let out a loud laugh as it dropped the men into its mouth. They all screamed as the demon's jaw clamped shut, taking off some of the arms or legs from the men. Another soldier is grabbed by multiple demons before being ripped apart, his blood and innards spilling all over the ground. Another is picked up and slammed onto the ground repeatedly until he was dead, leaving a splatter of blood on the spot he was slammed on. One of our guys had his chest sliced open, only to have much smaller demons start to rip out his innards through the gash. I slowly look around and watch as our men are picked off by these creatures. I then feel something wrap around my leg and pull, causing me to fall over. I look around and see a long, slender arm pulling me by the leg and into the horde of demons. I scream and start to swing my sword at the long arm as best as possible, which only makes the demons around me to laugh loudly. I thrust my blade and give the hand a nasty cut, causing it to let me go. I scramble to my feet and start running to where everyone else is. Pippin looks towards me and starts running in my direction, getting his mace ready for a swing.

Pippin: Duck!

I yelp and drop onto the ground as his mace flies over my head and crashes into the demon that was chasing me. I feel him pick me up and set me behind him as he swung his mace again, hitting another demon in the face.

Pippin: Take my horse and go!!

Y/N: What about you?!

He remained silent before looking back to Casca, who was standing completely still as she watched some men get torn to pieces and eaten. He dashes over to her and quickly swings at the demon in front of her, smashing its face and stopping it from eating her. She jumps a bit and looks at the demon before looking towards Pippin.

Casca: W-what the...Pippin?!

Pippin: Get going!!

The demons recovers quickly and roars in anger as it swings its claw towards the two, only to have it stopped by Pippin and his mace. 

Pippin: You must need to survive...!

Casca: There's no way I'm gonna leave you-

In one swift movement, Judeau came riding in on horseback and picked her up, riding away from the carnage. I grit my teeth before climbing onto Pippin's horse and riding over to Judeau, who had gone a good distance away from the slaughter before coming to a stop. I watch as Pippin looks back to us, beads of sweat rolling down his face. I look to Judeau and we stare at each other before pulling one of the throwing knives and throwing them at the demon that Pippin was facing off. Our knives strike the demon in the eyes, which gives Pippin enough time to smash its claw before letting out a loud battle cry before charging at the demons. With that, we began to gallop away while even more demons began to gather around.

Casca: What are you guys doing?! We have to go back for him! How can you guys leave him there to die?!

Judeau: It's no use! You must're the new general of the Hawks. You'll survive...the general must survive until the very end! But this...this isn't the kind of thing that'll bring our end!

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