Adapt or Die

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My wounds had healed after a couple of days in bed, mostly thanks to Judeau. Although the same nightmares have been haunting me every time I try to sleep. I understand that as a mercenary, people will die and I will kill people, yet the nightmares keep on coming. I pace around in my tent and groan in annoyance. I walk out the tent and walk past everyone, intending on clearing my thoughts and getting everything together. 

Rickert: Hey! Y/N! Wait up!

Y/N: Huh? Oh, hey Rickert. What's up?

Rickert: Well, we heard you groaning all day and figured that something was up. So I wanted to check to see what was wrong.

Y/N: Well, there's no point in hiding it if you guys were listening. I've been having the battle. It normally consists of all of those people that I killed on that day. I haven't been able to sleep properly and it's really bugging me.

I look towards Rickert, who has this serious look on his face. I could tell that he was try to think of something to say. I roll my eyes and was about to tell him to forget about it before he stopped walking and looked towards me.

Rickert: Y/N, you'd be surprised as to how many of us were like that. Or how many of us are still like that. What you're experiencing isn't anything new to us. You never killed anyone up until that moment, right?

I nodded and waited for him to keep going.

Rickert: Well, obviously you're going to react in such a way. But it just depends on how you deal with this. Some of us have good and bad ways to deal with those kinds of things. But we make sure that one thing is important; that it won't hinder us from fighting in the battlefield.

Y/N: Right. I understand that I can't let things keep me from fighting. I get it! That's the number one thing you people keep telling me! I just want advice so I can deal with these nightmares!

Rickert: Well if that's what you want, then you're on your own. I can't really tell you what to do in that situation. And I wouldn't try asking the others, they'll probably give you really bad advice. Anyways, I tried to help as best as possible, but I need to get back with the others.

Y/N: Ugh, right, thanks for the help...I guess.

He nodded and walked off. I kept on walking from the camp and walked towards a field. I laid down on the grass and stared at the sky, thinking about what he had told me. I kept on thinking, wondering on what to do with the dreams. My train of thought was cut off with the loud scream of a man in the distance. I shot up and looked around before I saw multiple figures in the distance. I got up and began to walk closer to get a better look. I soon noticed that it was a young boy, armored and carrying his own blade, and two other men walking around him. 

Y/N: Bandits...they have the nerve to rob a kid...from the looks of it...a pretty naive one.

I got up and gripped my blade, getting ready to step in. Before I even took a step forward, I saw a dead man lying behind the kid. I had failed to notice him before. I stare at the body and then at the kid, who was now pulling out his own blade. I gasped once he had unsheathed it. It was a little bit bigger than the kid himself, and he seemed to be holding it with no problem.

Y/N: No way..that kid killed that guy? But how..? That sword is way too big for a kid of that size and age!

Soon both of the men who were walking around the kid lunged towards him. The kid let out a loud scream as he swung the blade, cleaving both men and launching them to the side. I gasp as I saw both men drop dead, the blade nearly splitting them in half. The kid sheathed his blade again and picked up his belongings and whatever valuables the men had. He looked up and stared at me for a moment before he gripped his blade.

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