The Battle for Doldrey: Part 2

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It was early in the morning, the sun was barely rising. Griffith was true to his words, as the Band of the Hawk were the only ones out here. I stare at the fortress ahead, the cool breeze blowing through the barren land. I take a deep breath and look towards the others, who also look nervous. Griffith had also positioned us in a dangerous spot, having our backs against a river. I look over to Corkus, who is also trying to calm himself. To make matters even worse, due to Griffith's statement, a mere five thousand Hawks were to fight against thirty thousand Tudor knights. It was different this time, Tudor's Purple Rhinos had been placed outside of the walls in order to face us.

Corkus: So Y/N, you had the honor of attacking the fort. How bad was it...?

Y/N: Well...I'd assume that tens of thousands died in that assault alone. We didn't even get one man on that wall.

I hear Judeau chuckle nervously as he looked towards me.

Judeau: I'm not gonna lie...the closer we get, the more I want to retreat.

Y/N: The real kicker is that the garrison defending the place are Tudor's Purple Rhinos.

Judeau: Seriously?! Now I just wanna quit..

I then felt something hard hit me over the head. I yelped and turned around to see Guts, who had punched the back of my helmet.

Guts: Stop that, you'll scare the others. It's just another castle, but bigger.

I sigh and stare at Guts, who now has his attention set on the banner for the Hawks.

Judeau: Guts..? Is something the matter..?

Guts: It's just that it's such an important battle today.

I chuckle a bit before I feel some dust get in my eyes. I yelped and rub them.

Y/N: It's so dusty!

Griffith: That's the plan.

I open my eyes as best as possible and look back towards Griffith, who is trotting to the front of the ranks on his horse.

Griffith: First group, ready!

I unsheathe my blade, along with Guts and a handful of other soldiers. Griffith moves his horse in front of the ranks, unsheathes his blade and points it forward.

Griffith: First group, attack!

Soon we all started to gallop forward, with Griffith spearheading the assault. Soon the enemy knights began to charge towards us as well. I feel a sense of dread come over me as we continue to ride closer to the knights. I look towards Guts, who prepares to swing his blade at the first knight that gets in front of him. Within a matter of seconds, we crashed into the enemy ranks. Guts began to swing his blade around, sending enemy knights off their horses. I parry the blades of the knights and take quick stabs and slashes at their throats. We continue to push forward, cutting down more of their knights.

Enemy knight: We can't stop them! They're moving towards the center of the ranks!

I look towards Guts, who was gunning it towards the enemy general, Boscone. 

Y/N: Shit, is he actually gonna try..?

I watch as Guts readies his blade, while Boscone readies his halberd. The both take a swing at one another, with Guts missing and Boscone taking off Guts' helmet with his strike. 

Enemy knights: Protect the general!

I sigh and move my horse forward in order to help Guts. Soon my squadron and Guts' squad follow after, charging in so we could aid him. We crashed into Boscone's bodyguards, the both of us swinging wildly in an attempt to chase off the other. Guts swung his blade and killed two more knights, causing the small group of bodyguards to fall back to their general.

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