A Night To Remember

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~Later in the night~

I paced around my tent, still wondering about the whole incident. The chances of it being an accident were unlikely due to the reason that the hunters were nowhere near us, along with the animal they were hunting. The only logical explanation is that an assassin had managed to sneak in and get a shot off before retreating. I sigh and take a seat, trying to remember exactly what happened.

Y/N: Griffith was shot and his behelit took the blow...actually...if that small necklace was hit by the bolt, then wouldn't it have been damaged? When he pulled his necklace out, it was completely fine, as if nothing had happened...that necklace...

Soon Guts walked into the tent and looked down towards me.

Guts: Hey, you said that you wanted to see me?

Y/N: Yeah. I heard your little comment after Griffith was shot...and I'm sorta getting an odd feeling about the behelit. 

Guts: I mean...don't get me wrong, it's creepy but I don't think it's anything really to worry about. 

Y/N: I'm just saying...don't you find it odd that it was perfectly fine even though it was struck by a bolt?

He stared at me before sighing and rubbing his chin.

Guts: Now that I think about it...it is odd. But that doesn't matter; Griffith wants us to meet in his chambers anyways. Did he tell you why he wanted to see us?

Y/N: No, but I could imagine that it's important if he wants only us to meet him.

We both sigh and pace around, not sure what to do or what to think. With so much happening all at once, it felt overwhelming. I then placed a hand on his shoulder and motioned for him to follow me. We both walked through the camp and walked into a large tower, where Griffith was residing in for the time being. We both walk up the stairs and into his chamber.

Griffith: Guts, Y/N, glad to see you could make it.

Guts: Yeah, mind telling us what this is about?

Griffith nodded and opened a drawer in his desk and pulled out the same bolt that was used on him earlier today.

Y/N: Why on earth do you still have that..?

Griffith: Because...it has some crucial information about our assassin.

I look to Guts and then back at Griffith. I take the bolt and stare at the tip, which is still somewhat covered in the poison that Griffith warned us about.

Griffith: That poison; it's no ordinary kind that someone from the streets can get. It's a special kind that a certain family knows. A noble family of Midland.

I gasp and set the bolt down before walking towards him.

Y/N: You mean to tell us that someone from Midland tried to have you killed?!

Griffith: Yes. And due to...recent events that occurred when you were still in treatment, I get an idea as to who it can be.

Guts: You talking about that guy earlier?

Y/N: Wait, what guy?

Guts: Griffith and I were both talking and the princess came down, along with the king and some nobles. The princess slipped and Griffith caught her, causing one of the nobles to slap him since he was a "mere commoner touching the princess."

I groan and rub my temples, walking over to the window and looking out.

Y/N: God...nobles are so annoying. But anyways, who do you think it was?

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