Our Former Selves

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~A Month Later~

I sat in my tent, wrapping up another wound that was on my chest. I wince a bit as the bandages cause a slight sting to go through my body. I cut the bandages and finish wrapping myself up, tying the end of the bandages into a knot. I sigh heavily and look at my chestplate, which was resting on the side of my cot. 

Y/N: To think that we would've been knights by now...this chestplate would've been covered in bright colors. The designs would be in gold...and a long cape made out of the finest cloth...it's such a shame. Instead, the armor I wear used to belong to some random mercenary before he was killed. I don't think it should worry though...it's just the transfer from one mercenary to another...

I place my hand on the chestplate and stare at my reflection. I notice there are bags under my eyes, while my eyes themselves appear to be bloodshot. I rub them and sigh a bit before I lay down on my cot. Before I could even start to close my eyes, I hear someone walk in. I groan a bit and sit up.

Y/N: God damn...the hell do you-

I look up to see Casca, who looks just as tired as me. 

Casca: Sorry...I'll be on my way.

I sigh heavily and slowly stand up before taking a hold of her hand.

Y/N: Sit down...why'd ya come in here?

We both take a seat on the cot. I bring a candle over closer to us so we can see each other better.

Casca: I just...wanted to talk. A lot has happened...so unwinding would help.

I nod and rub my eyes and yawn a bit before looking to her.

Y/N: This whole thing has been crazy...a month on the run. 

Casca: I know..and we've lost a lot of good men during this month. I don't know how long we'll be able to last.

Y/N: Hey, we're all fighters till the very end. I mean look at yourself...you fell sick for three days after our escape and you were inches away from death, and yet you're still alive. You're still fighting for survival, just like all of us. We're lucky to have someone like you with us.

I smile a bit, my gaze locked on her. She stares at me before smiling as well and looking down at the bandages that are wrapped around my chest.

Casca: How many...how many scars now?

Y/N: Hm..? I have too many scars now...but it's fine. 

She then reached out and gently touched one of the scars on my side. I yelped and looked at her hand before looking towards her.

Casca: You've endured so much...

Y/N: Well..I've been through just as much as-

Casca: But I've seen that look in your eyes. You want to leave too...

I stare at her before chuckling softly.

Y/N: What gives you that idea?

Casca: I've seen you on your horse. At night, sometimes you would start to walk away from the camp with your horse and all of your things...but you always come back...

She then grabbed my shoulders and stared into my eyes.

Casca: Why...? Why do you still stay with us...despite everything...?

I stared at her for a while before I sigh and take her hands off my shoulders. I then take a hold of her hands and smile a bit.

Y/N: I made a promise to you a month ago. I told you that I would stay here...no matter what. Yeah...I've tried to walk out...but something always keeps me from leaving. I remember that night...when I made you that promise. You were upset...scared at the thought that I would leave as well. I'll keep my promise and stay here.

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