Let Bygones be Bygones

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I woke up in my tent and stretched a bit before getting up and walking out. My nose was still wrapped up a bit thanks to the kid's punch. I say my good mornings to everyone before sitting down in front of a fire to get my meal ready. 

Rickert: Hey Y/N! How's your nose?

Y/N: Oh you know, broken. But it's fine, nothing too bad. Better than lying dead at the side of the road.

Rickert: Yeah. Mind if I sit with you?

Y/N: I see no harm in that.

Rickert smiled and took a seat next to me. I rotated my food over the fire with the spit. 

Corkus: Hey, nice work out there.

I turned around to see Corkus approaching me. I sighed before I nodded a bit and went back to looking at my food.

Y/N: Thanks I guess. I mean I didn't do that much to help you guys.

Corkus: But at least you saved us, so thanks.

I smiled as I looked back to him.

Y/N: Did you just thank me?

Corkus: Can't I be nice and not have you ruin it?!

Y/N: I'm sorry! I'm just not use to you thanking me, that's all.

Corkus grumbled as he took a seat next to Rickert. I finished cooking my food and took off the fire before offering a piece to the both of them. Rickert denied, saying that he had already eaten, but Corkus was more than happy to eat. Soon a giant shadow loomed over me. I stopped eating and slowly turned around to see Pippin.

Rickert: Good morning Pippin.

Pippin waved and took a seat next to me. I looked at Pippin before chuckling a bit and taking a bite out of my food. He looked to me and raised an eyebrow.

Pippin: What's so funny?

I started to choke on my food before I managed to swallow and look to him.

Y/N: Holy shit you can talk?!

Rickert: Yeah, he's always been able to talk.

Y/N: But I've been in this army for like eight or nine months and I've never heard this man talk!

Rickert: He prefers to stay silent at times. 

I looked to Pippin and grin, which caused him to slightly lean away from me. Rickert giggled softly before we heard some shouting. I looked behind me once again as I saw the kid from three days ago come running out of a tent. I also saw Casca walking away from the tent.

Y/N: Griffith said she had to lay with him until he was better right?

Corkus: Yep.

Y/N: She must pissed.

I giggled a bit before I saw Judeau start talking with the boy. 

Corkus: It's a shame that he didn't die.

Y/N: I guess. I mean I'm fairly surprised that he's still alive.

We all nodded a bit as we watched Griffith approach the kid with his massive blade.

Y/N: He's gonna give him the blade? Is he out of his mind?!

Corkus: He's too weak for that! Look at all those bandages.

Y/N: Bet. You owe me half of your earnings if he swings that blade.

Corkus: Deal!

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