Together in Arms

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The relationship between Guts and the Hawks was beginning to improve. Which was pretty good because we now had a job to help in a battle to help give Midland another victory. It was to be a nighttime raid. As of right now we were going over the plans of what to do during the mission.

Commander: Alright, you mercenaries will help lead the charge and also be the distraction while we move in to wipe out the enemy forces while they're too confused to realize what's going on. The route we're taking once this is complete the mission is through a dense forest. We'll move along down the path until we reach back to this fort, there, should the enemy decide to follow, we'll blow them away with our cannons. Any questions?

We all remained silent as we stared at him.

Commander: Very well, you mercenaries go and meet with your commander as well. I'm sure he'll go into more detail of where you all are going to be.

We all nodded before walking out of the tent. I sighed and looked to Judeau, who was also walking out.

Y/N: Hey, you think this is going to go well?

Judeau: Can't say. That's up to fate to decide, but from the way things have been going for us, I think it'll be fine.

Y/N: I guess. What about Guts?

Judeau: What about him?

Y/N: Are you sure that he can do this?

Judeau: Y/N, you really like to ask stupid questions. Guts is perfectly capable of fighting, didn't you want the fight with Bazuso? The kid is a professional. 

Y/N: Well yeah, but I mean will he be able to cooperate with the members as well or will he just take this time to run or kill us?

Judeau: Well this mission is to confirm that he's on our side. If not then I hope that we'll be able to take him out before he kills anymore of us.

I gulped and nodded  a bit before walking down the camp and was about to walk into the tent before being stopped by Corkus.

Corkus: Hold it kid, this is for the commanders and captains. I get that you're a good soldier, but you're not with the big kids yet.

Y/N: Bullshit, I was able to go in there before. And I was just in the other command post not too long ago, come on Corkus.

Corkus: Nope. You'll get your orders from one of us, so just sit tight for now.

He smirked as he walked into the tent. I groaned and walked back to where everyone else was. I took a seat near a fire and grumbled a bit before another shadow loomed over me.

Y/N: Pippin if that's you-

I turned around and saw Guts standing over me.

Guts: I thought I told you that my name was Guts.

Y/N: Ah, sorry bout that. So, you ready for this mission?

Guts: I guess. I don't really care what happens, I just want to fight.

Y/N: Well maybe you should care because if things go bad, we might die and you won't be able to fight.

Guts rolled his eyes before staring at the fire. I stared at him before looking at his nose, which had a small scar across it.

Y/N: Hey, what happened to your nose? You get that during a battle or something?

He turned around and stared at me before he grabbed me by the collar.

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