Hard Work Pays Off

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I groaned a bit as I sat up. My head thumping from all the drinks I had last night. I slowly got up and walked out of my tent. It was still pretty dark out. I yawned and walked to the well before pulling up some water with a bucket. I removed my clothing and dumped the water on myself. I shiver a bit from the water's cold touch. I go to splash myself again before hearing footsteps.

Griffith: Good morning!

I turned around and quickly covered myself.

Y/N: Good morning. Uh...do you mind? I'm kinda not dressed.

Griffith: Aw come on, we've known each other for months now. I'm pretty sure that this is alright.

Y/N: Well considering that we hardly talk-

Before I could even get another word out, he was already taking off his shirt.

Y/N: What the hell?! You're just gonna strip in front of me?

Griffith: If you have a problem then why don't you leave?

Y/N: I was here first.

He sighed before he grabbed another bucket and got some water. I sighed and went back to washing myself, not really in the mood to make conversation. I glanced over and saw a weird necklace on him.

Y/N: Hey uh...what's the deal with that thing around your neck? I've never seen it until now.

Griffith: Oh this? It's a behelit. The woman that gave it to me called it the "Egg of the King." She said that whoever possesses the behelit will obtain a kingdom, but I have no idea how it works.

I walked over to it took it in my hand. I stared at it, examining its strange design. It was in the shape of an egg with a blood red color. It's more notable design was that it had facial features such as eyes, nose, and a mouth randomly placed in different parts of the "egg." I soon saw one of the eyes open and look around before looking at me. I yelped and quickly handed it back to Griffith.

Griffith: Is something wrong? 

Y/N: N-no. I just got freaked out by it. I mean, it is pretty creepy.

Griffith stared at the behelit before grinning and holding it out towards me.

Griffith: Careful! It might get you!

I took a couple steps back before splashing him with a bucket of water. He laughed and continued to walk closer to me, the behelit opening its eye again and keeping its gaze locked on me.

Y/N: Come on Griffith! Stop it!

Griffith: Aw come on Y/N! It's not that scary!

I stared into the eye of the behelit before slapping it out of Griffith's hand. He laughed loudly and leaned on me so he wouldn't fall over from laughing so much. I chuckled nervously and stared at him before patting his back. He picked up his behelit and put it back around his neck.

Y/N: Well, it's weird. But if it has magical powers that'll help you obtain a kingdom, than keep wearing that thing.

I smiled a bit before walking over and putting my clothes back on. 

Griffith: Hey Y/N, do me a favor and get Casca for me.

Y/N: Sure thing.

I put my boots on and begin to walk through the camp, listening to the water splashing. I groaned a bit and rubbed the back of my neck.

An Obscure Destiny (Band of the Hawk Insert Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora