Run Me Down [Jensen X Reader]

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You walked through the studio grounds, boredom coursing through your body. You headed for the gym, dressed in tight black yoga pants, teal sports bra and a baggy T-shirt over it. The boys had been busy with filming and you had the day off, doing whatever you please. But, in all honesty, it was boring as hell without them. On the other hand, when was the last time you had time to yourself?

Your phone vibrated, notifying you of a text message. You scowled, raising a brow as you read it. Scoffing, you texted your now ex-boyfriend to go fuck himself and have a nice life. There was no point in arguing about the same thing over and over again, when he was just going to keep cheating on you.

Entering the gym building, fuming, you headed straight for the punching bag. You set down your bag by the bench and sit down. You took your time to wrap your hands before you began releasing the fury you felt, letting it build for a few more minutes. The boys knew of your problem, only because they caught you on the tail end of a phone call ending in a slew of cuss words.

After a moment, you stood from the bench and headed for the speaker set up, connecting your phone to the Bluetooth speaker that sat on the table. Your music blared over the sound system, fueling your being with anger more than anything. Because how many chances can you give? How many times are you going to let yourself be hurt?

Exhaling, you sent a right hook to the bag followed by a set of quick jabs. You raised your hands back in front of your face, bending your knees as you rolled onto your tip toes. You started with a left hook, ducked and swayed with the beat of the song, followed with another set of quick jabs. You spun heatedly on your heel, slamming your right elbow into the bags three times. Spinning back around, you summersaulted away, quickly getting back into your stance as the bag swung back into place.

Jensen started calling out for you, only to stop in his tracks and close his mouth. He had just gone on break while Jared and Misha finished their scenes. He watched you lay into the punching bag, bouncing on your toes as you pulled away. You turned on your heel, still facing away from him as you punched the air. Ducking and weaving, you stepped forward in beat with the music. You spun on your heel again, facing the direction you were in and sent a high kick to the imaginary fighters throat. Who had you been fighting?

Jensen watched as you did another summersault away, turning into a cartwheel and jumped back at the end once your feet touched the ground. He folded his arms over his chest, noticing your form was coated in a sheen sweat. Now you simply stood there, breathing in a labored fashion. You swayed still in beat with the song, singing along quietly.

You jerked your shoulders in beat, "dusting" them off like there was something there. The music had completely stolen you over as you began to dance. You pirouetted, your hands roaming your body, fingers digging into your skin like you were trying to claw your way out of your skin.

" shut your mouth and run me like a river."

You gyrated to the beat, dipping your head down before flipping your hair back.

"Don't you say it. Don't you say it, we'll break quicker than a hairpin trigger. So shut your mouth and run me like a river."

You clamped your hands over your mouth. You swayed your hips in a tantalizing manner, pirouetted again, your hands running through your hair lustfully. In sync with the beat, you clamped your hand over your mouth and the other over your heart, dropping to the ground. Unexpectedly, a pair of firm arms caught you. You placed your hands over theirs and looked above you.

"Hey green eyes." You grin, smiling bravely in hopes of covering up the pain. "What's up?"

Jensen snorted, placing you back on your feet. "Dancing in a burning room," by John Mayer washed over the room from the speakers. Jensen wrapped his arm around your waist, the other taking your hand as you placed yours on his chest, beginning the waltz. "You wanna talk about it?"

"I- I'm fine. I promise." You shake your head, meeting his gaze. He stared at you for a silent moment, trying to determine if he should force you to talk or let it be.

Jensen trailed his hands down your waist, resting them on your hips as he lifted you, spin you both around in place. He spoke again as he placed you back down. "Tell me anyways. Bottling everything in isn't good for you and wearing yourself down like this, it won't do you any good without any rest."

You sighed, keeping your gaze on his. You took two steps back and two steps to the left before he twirled you around. You placed your hand on his bicep, taking three steps forward and two steps to the right before he dipped you down. A somber gaze rested on him as he lifted you back up. You smiled faintly at Jensen before speaking. "The pain can run me down, but that doesn't stop me from fighting. Everything can crumble around me, but I will still stand tall. I come in here, to release my feelings. To work it out. The hurt and the ache mean nothing to me if it's not there to be put here."

You rested your hand over your chest, Jensen tilting his head. Realization donned across his features, abruptly stopping the dance. "I'm going to kill him. What right does he have to hurt someone as special and stunningly beautiful as you?! I swear, [Reader], I'm going to rip him a new one."

You laughed huskily, shaking your head. You grabbed his hands and pulled Jensen back, continuing the dance. He sighed heavily, spinning you out before spinning you back in, wrapping his arms around you from behind as you perfectly pirouetted into his chest. "He's not worth it, Jay. He never was and never will be. Pain can run me down, but my spirit will always shine as bright as before."

Jensen laughed rustically, shaking his head as he dipped you slowly and pulled you back up just as slow. "Nothing can dampen your spirit, can it?"

"Never." You chimed, smiling brightly. "I'm the cheerleader for a reason."

The music had ended and Jensen was being called for. He grinned devilishly, glancing over his shoulder quickly before turning his dazzling forest green eyes back to you. "You want to make a run for it before the moose finds me?"

"Hide and seek?"  You grinned wickedly, hearing Jared getting closer. Jensen nodded curtly. "Hell yeah. Let's do it!"

Jensen cackled, grasping your hand tightly and pulling you toward the back door. Y'all pushed through with seconds to spare. Jared walked in, grumbling as he looked for Jensen.

"I swear, those two are going to run me like a river." He groaned, heading for the back door.

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