Mess is mine Sam X reader

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"Dear Sam,
I'm sorry. This isn't what was supposed to happen. But dean needs you in his life. I know, you need me too. But, it had to be done.
When you wake up, you'll see this letter, you'll be mad, but I had to do it.
I couldn't see Dean drink his life away in one or two nights. You were gone. But not for much longer.
It was my fault, Sam. This hunt went wrong. I tried my damn hardest to save you....and I failed.

When you wake, don't come looking for me. You won't find me.

Promise me one thing, okay Sammy?
Be happy and no matter what happens, you kick ever sons of bitches assess that gets in your way.
Take care of Dean, okay?

I love you, Sam Winchester. Always have, always will.

Forever yours,

You wrote your letter to Sam, placing it on his chest. Kissing his forehead and fixing his hair, for when he woke up. Shedding some tears, you left. Was this difficult? Of course. You were giving up your life for the man you loved.

Dean wouldn't notice. He was too intoxicated to notice anything. He won't even remember you leaving, hell, he couldn't even remember how he got to his bed for the past two nights. All because you managed to drag him there.

You walked down the hallway to the library, looking for Dean. Like always, he was. Passed out and slouched over his whiskey. Instead of carrying him to his bed tonight, you wrote him a letter too.

"Dear Dean,
I understand if you blame me. This hunt. Sam dying. It was all my fault. I'm going to fix it. Take care of Sammy okay. Pinky swear?'ve always been like a brother to me... And I want you to know, that I love you. I'm going to miss you, a lot. Don't drink to much.
Don't go looking for me, you won't find me.

Love always,


As you left the letter in front of him, you went to grab a blanket to drop over his shoulders. You looked around the bunker one last time. You were really gonna miss this place.
You were really gonna miss this place called home.

Reaching for your jacket, a thought struck your mind, 'what about Cas?'
Scribbling quickly, for it was almost midnight, you wrote a brief goodbye.

I'm sorry. Let me go. Don't come looking. I love you.


With that, you walked to the bunkers garage, grabbing a set of keys to one of the classic cars. You opened the garage door, hopping into a '65 Ford Mustang and drove off into the night.

An hour and a half later, you found yourself at a crossroads, miles away from the bunker. Digging a hole in the middle, placing your box and covering it, it was mere seconds before the crossroads demon showed.

But not just any demon, it was Crowley.

"Hello, love. Pleasant evening, isn't it." He greeted.

"Crowley." You kept your face expressionless, you came here for business, not small talk.

"And what a pleasure it is, to see you, too, darling. So, what is it? No small talk? No hugs or proper greetings?" He asked, a sly grin on his face.

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