They see me rollin', they hatin'..[Jared xReader]

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Synopsis: Jared's working out, (yay!) and you finish your scenes for the day. So you go meet up with Jared and see him lifting and pushing this huge tractor tire back and forth...until you come along (;


"And...CUT! That's all for today guys!" The director yelled. You heard everyone say "good scene" and "see ya later," being exchanged, you waved to Misha and Jensen, since Jared didn't have to shoot today.

What did he decide to do?

Freaking work out. He's already a moose-man, he doesn't need to be the hulk or anything.

Walking to your trailer, you see Jared, with his trainer and body guard, lifting and pulling this huge ass tire.

"Hey,______!" Some of the guys called.

"Hey, everyone!" You smile, watching Jared push the tire over. Watching him gives you an idea, making you smile like the Cheshire Cat.

"Hey, Jare?" You ask with a curious tone, watching his back muscles—those glorious back muscles— freeze.

"Yes,______?" He asks, with the same tone, looking over at you with a tired and confused expression.

"Could you lift the tire up?" You ask with a mischievous look in your eyes.

"Uh, sure." He says, chuckling. He lifts the tire up, leaving it like that. "Now what?"

"You'll see!" You said, walking over to this tire, may I say that it's twice your size of your petite figure.

Climbing in, you laugh at how stupid this is going  to be. Pushing the inside of the tire, you start rolling in the direction you want.

"Later, bitches!" You laugh, pushing yourself around set.

"______! Where are you going?!" Jared yells, bending over from how hard he was laughing.

"Nana, na, nana! They see me Rollin', they hatin'!" You scream at the top of your lungs, pointing at Jensen as you roll by him. None the less, he was confused, but he still chuckled.

"I was making that steady wager, getting that figure, but now they see me rollin', rollin', Rollin' in this tire." You sing, your voice vibrating off the inside of  the tire.

You slow yourself down, coming close  of the parking lot and you rather not hit any cars today.

"Push it, push it, push it real good! You heard me, I said push it, push it, push it real good!" You sing, smiling as you watch everyone videoing you.

You started getting goofy with it, standing in a fighting stance — like you're fighting the tire— going a little faster and getting more stealthy with your footwork.

"Hello, let me introduce you to, the characters in the show. One says yes, one says no. Decide– which voice in your head, you can keep alive." You sing the opening verse to "I dare you" by shinedown.

"Even in madness, I know you still believe. Paint me on canvas so I become what you could never be." You stop, slow down, and go in the other direction. Going back in a normal footwork, pushing the tire. "I dare you to tell me to walk through fire. Wear my soul and call me a liar. I dare you to tell me to walk through fire! I dare you to tell me, I dare you to–!" You get stopped, you don't know what by, yet, but it caused you to go into sheer panic.

"No! No, no, no, no, aaahhhh, no!" You scream as the tire falls to the ground. You land on your back with a hard thud, the wind being knocked out of your chest.

"Ugh...I'm okay!" You groaned, sticking a thumbs up outside the tire. Suddenly you hear everyone burst out laughing. Are they laughing at me? Never, they are laughing at the stupid thing you did, because it was funny. Hilarious even, you thought to yourself.

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