Hair Time Pt. 2 [J2 x Reader]

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I know I said I really wasn't gonna update, but I'm bored and I have too much free time on my hands. SO, onto Hair Time Pt. 2. This was requested to be turned into a short story/book, but I wanted to see how everyone liked it before I did. That being said, here we go.

A few months later...

You got out of your car, heading to your apartment in [city/state]. Jensen had texted you that they were off for a few days, thanks to some technical difficulties. You grabbed your bags out of the backseat and headed up the stairs. You thought plenty of times of that night at the SPN Con, how your joking banter, a silly question becoming something you could do. You never really intended to stay on stage that long, but the boys begged you to because you're awesome.

Pulling your keys out, you jingle them around, trying to get to your apartment key. Opening the door, bags in tow, you noticed it was dark. Too dark. You always left a light on if you went out, especially towards the end of the day. "What the hell?" You shrug the bags onto the floor, switching the light on.

"PIPSQUEAK!" Jared and Jensen yelled, jumping out from behind the wall. You jumped back with a blood curdling scream, falling back on the door, sliding down it on to the floor. You grasped your chest, your heart constricting with panic, sheer, terrifying panic. Jensen and Jared busted out laughing at your reaction.

"WHAT THE FUCK- you guys?!" You yelled. "How did you get into my apartment?" You asked, collecting yourself off the floor. You started picking up the grocery bags, but Jared stopped you and picked them all up in one hand.

"We kinda, um, picked the lock." Jensen nervously laughed out, shrugging.

"I should murder the both of you." You deadpanned. "And no one will find your bodies."

"But people would start to get curious, start looking for us." Jared intervenes, pulling the items out of the bags. He sets the pie on the counter, putting the other things in their respected places. "So what then?"

"I'm sure no one would miss you two, especially if you're bear crap." You retaliated, your voice in a tone of a playful manner.

"You don't mean that. You love us." Jensen says, eyeing the pie, then looking at you with a knowing expression.

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't." You retorted, shooting your eyebrows up. Smirking, you walk to the small island in your kitchen, grabbing the pie. You glance at Jensen, who looked like he just got his heart ripped out by you taking the pie.

"You know you do, pipsqueak." Jared joked, pulling you into his side. You sighed in defeat, figuring you'll never win this.

"Oh whatever." You grumbled. You turned to the cabinet, grabbing three plates for your little trio. "So, guys what's up? How's life going?" You ask, over your shoulder. You carried the plates over to the island.

"Same old, same old. Playing pranks on Misha and Mark. Busy on set, most of the time." Jensen shrugs, leaning against the counter.

"What about you, short stuff?" Jared asks, opening the fridge, grabbing three beers. But you knew what he was looking for. His candy stash he kept here. You always hid it in different places, always in places he would never look. "Where'd you hide it this time?" He glares, closing the fridge, handing you and Jensen your beers.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Jared." You said, your voice playful. You twisted off the cap to your beer, taking a sip. "And same old, same old. It's life." You added, nonchalantly. You pulled out a butter knife, slicing the pie once you pulled it out of it's box.

"You know what I'm talking about." Jared says, being completely serious. You handed Jensen his slice, who looked like a kid in a candy store. You turned to Jared, plate in hand, giving him the most innocent look you could muster.

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