Its a party [SPN x Reader] (Pt. 2 of Early Morning)

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You strolled out of your hotel room, the door clicking shut behind you. You adjusted your dark green button up, a white tank top underneath, with light wash skinny jeans and boots. You've perked up greatly since this morning, after a couple more cups of coffee and a shower to help your mood.

Your beach wave curled hair bounced slightly as you sauntered down the hall and entered the elevator. Who knew your insomnia could make your day? Usually your mood was sluggish and solemn. You guessed being jet lagged plus your insomnia didn't mix well and caused a hilariously hectic moment.

The elevator dinged, causing you to snap out of your thoughts from this morning. You looked around the lobby, trying to spot Andy, the event coordinator. When you didn't see him, you shrugged and headed for the convention room.

Stepping into the semi dark room, the crowd erupted into cheers as the boys went on stage. You watched as they did their thing, dancing about on the stage. You laughed as Jared twirled and Jensen danced flamboyantly around, both ending up in a rockstar kick.

"Good morning Arizona!" Jared greeted with a wide smile, waving to everyone in the room. "How is everyone?" The crowd replied in a jumble of answers, causing the boys to chuckle.

"Ours was eventful and great. Thanks for asking." Jensen sassed, grinning cheerfully.

"Speaking of eventful morning," Jared stated, "where's our little insomniac friend?" He put a hand up to his forehead, shielding his eyes from the spotlight. You smirked and cocked an eyebrow, mischief flooding your body.

You take a glance around, spotting Andy just a few feet away. You grin, quickly walking over to him and tapping him on the shoulder.

"Hey, there you are!" He smiled widely, giving you a quick hug. "And looking awake." He laughed, throwing an arm around your shoulder.

"Hi. Well, coffee and a shower works wonders for a girl." You sass. You casted your eyes back to the boys, who are now stalking the crowd. "Time for hide and seek."

"Need a microphone?" Andy asked, a smirk playing on his lips and a humorous look in his eyes.

"Yes sir." You nodded, looking to the boys and seeing where they are. Andy handed you the mic. "Is it okay if I go behind stage?" He shook his head yes quickly, sending you on your way.

"Oh, (y/n). Come out, come out wherever you are." Jensen taunted, walking right by as you hid. You quietly ran to the other side of the room, staying in the shadows.

"Oh, I'll never tell, boys." You said in an airily, sing song voice. The crowd gasped as Jensen and Jared spun around the room, baffled. "I mean, you did just walk by me, Jensen." You crept toward back stage.

"Where? How did I miss you?" Jensen stuttered out.

"Maybe because you're looking for a girl, with bed hair, sweatpants and a hoodie on." You chuckled deviously, winking at the people behind stage, holding your index finger to your lips as they laughed, shushing them. "A girl's gotta change her disguise, boys."

"Where did she go?!" Jared exclaimed, his voice strained and pitchy. "We've searched the whole room." He whined. You peaked your head out of the curtain, smiling devilishly.

"I spy, with my little eye, two very dashing and stupefied men." You chuckled out playfully. You hid behind the curtain as the spun frantically around the room. You put the microphone back up to your lips, letting out a slow, maniacal laugh. "This is fun."

"Yeah for you, maybe." Jensen groaned, walking to the back of the room, his mossy green eyes scanning the room. "You're so short, we should be able to spot you."

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