Smooth as whiskey [Jensen x Reader]

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-long time no read, eh? I'm sorry for not updating lately, but now I'm back in the swing of things. So, with that being said, LETS GET THIS SHOW ON THE ROAD!-

This was it. The happiest day of your life. You are going to the Chicago Comic Con. You're ecstatic, well that could be an understatement. Your parents gave you tickets for the golden panel, photo ops with J2M, Mark Sheppard, Richard Speight Jr. And so on; for your birthday. You were turning twenty one in a few days and the first panel was the morning of your birthday.

"Mom, I still don't know how y'all afforded all of this. It's so much!" You exclaimed, as you continued packing your things for the week/weekend.

"Don't worry about it, sweetie. You deserve it with all that you do for us around here, taking care of your brothers, and work on top of it all." You mom replied. "Besides, it's gonna be your birthday. You need a break." She smiled, helping you pack your final necessities.

Your birthday. You were finally turning twenty one. More than anything, you wanted to go to the Supernatural Con, but it was so expensive. You were fine with just staying home, watching Netflix and hanging out with your family. But your parents had different plans.


You had just got home from a long day of work. Walking in the door, you heard the normal ramblings of the tv, humorous bickering of your brothers, and the sickening lovey-dovey crap from your parents.

"Hey everyone! I'm home!" You yelled, setting your stuff down on the hallways staircase. You walked into the kitchen, taking a deep breath in of tonight's dinner.

"Yummy," you whispered to yourself.
"Hey sweetie, how was work?" Your dad asked.
"Oh you know, same old same old." You shrugged.
"Good to hear." Your mom said. "[Y/N] could you come into our bedroom with us? We have something important to talk to you about." She said in a serious and firm tone.

"Whatever it is, I didn't do it." You joked, putting your hands up in mock surrender. Your dad chuckled to himself,"Come on, pumpkin." He said as he pulled you along.

As soon you were in their bedroom, your dad closed the door and your mom turned to face you, looking at you with a glare.

You sat there dumbfounded, trying to figure out what the hell you did.
"So, what's this about?" You shifted in your feet nervously.

"You didn't do anything wrong, honey." Your dad said.
"We just have to talk a lot rent money." Your mom, finally speaking, but continued to glare at you.

"Are you saying I have to pay rent now?" You asked, your shoulders slumping forward a little.

"I know baby, it's more stress for you and we're sorry." Your dad apologized as he hugged you.

Your mom uncrossed her arms, an envelope in her hand. "Here is a notice saying how much you owe us monthly and some other accommodations." She briskly said.

"It's okay and alright," you paused to grab the envelope,"What brought this on, guys?" Your tone of voice was flat and sad. Just when you think things can't get more stressful, they do.

"It's just, you're almost twenty one now and we just wanna prepare you further for when you do move out." You dad spoke softly.
You opened the letter, which was strangely thick. 'What in the world?' You thought to yourself.

The first page you read was exactly what your mom said. As you flipped to the next page, you felt your heart flutter. You had to re-read the same page around five million times to make sure you read it right.

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