Help!- She Done Me Good

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Paul pushed Louise a little and kneeled to wrap an arm around Johns neck "Oh Johnny, I'm sorry Louise is monopolising me" grinning, he smacked a big kiss on Johns stubbly chin "Hey go have a shave"

John pushed Paul but with the arm caught around him all they managed to be was a Beatle sandwich with Lou half on the bottom of the pile "Sod off you two blighters" She pushed as John heaved himself up off Paul then they manhandled Lou in-between them both.

"You alright?" Paul remembered at last, about Lou's 'condition' , and recalled his rough play with her moments earlier. He eased back down on the sand and started counting stars to stop himself checking over every inch of Louise's belly. There was a baby in there and Paul had been pushing and shoving and tickling her to distraction. He didn't want to have hurt her.


"Why ya asking her if she's alright? You gone soft? It's bloody Louise, an atom bomb couldn't make a dent"

Louise spun her head in Johns direction trying to understand if he was being nice or nasty, the light was cast just so as he tilted his chin upwards to the sky and Louise wanted the delicious snapshot of his angles to stay the same always.

"Well thanks heaps John, I think. Does that mean I'm tough and tenacious or just made of cold stone?" Lou pouted into the moonlight as John looked at her from the corner of his eye. Lou turned to look at Paul and stared at him pointedly "Yes Paul, I am fine"

John missed the unspoken moments between Lou and Paul only thinking she was answering if she was hurt or not. "I mean.. you're Louise luv, aren't you"

John pressed her shoulder and pushed slowly to get her lying in the sand beside Paul, he looked over at Paul minding his own, seemingly staring into the black inky starry sky above. What is it with these two they banter and bait each other and he's worried bout her person.

It is Paul and he's more in tune to all that soft sappy stuff but what if he's angling for more, binding his time. John pulled his eyes back to Louise who was letting the sand flow through her fingers "Yes you're tough and tenacious but that's only half of it.... And it was truly a compliment" Louise put her hand up the leg of his shorts and John forgot all about what he was bothered about.

Meanwhile, A/N says... A little naughty bit ahead......

She kissed him good, making her lips and teeth gently nip, suckle and bite then her tongue swept over his, darting in his mouth then hastily escaping before he could tangle with her. John let her reach for him, fingers dragging him back by his hair, she done good letting him taste her. The sweet weed they had partaken clung to her lips and that tongue was languishingly slow now as she delved deep into his mouth, hot, she was flaming and burning.

Paul coughed politely but they never stopped, she never stopped taking him apart.

Dropping his senses away so there were only them two in the universe. Her fingers stroked him and the groan she elicited from him made her smile on his lips, she gripped him fractionally harder and pumped slower. Paul then realised it was a both top and tail attack that was taking place beside him and had trouble dragging his eyes away from the intensity in which she moved her lips... and hands.

Johns eyes opened and saw Paul's knee jiggling beside his left arm. He broke away and gave Paul the stink eye and he quickly scurried away.

Oh, she done me, she done me good.

Over and over he thought that to himself as he lay on the sand watching her frolic in the waves.

Knee deep and perfectly brazen, her tits poking naughtily through her sheer bra and her panties well and truly invisible with the tides touch. She squealed as a larger wave caught her unawares and her hands rose above her head as she danced and shimmied. Oh yea, she done me so well, I think I'm broke.

She had stripped right there in the sand dunes when Paul finally got the hint, she hovered over him and he willed her to just take him, he was so close to exploding. But she kept kissing him probing so deep then disappearing lower only to reappear with a saucy smile to repeatedly kiss him all over again. When she relented and dropped to surround him she moaned as he filled her. Then with tentative mews, which he decided were his favourite sounds ever, she allowed him to break free of her attack and quicken his thrusts from below and her body rippled around him.

He had seen stars in the end– Above him in the sky, in his her eyes.

Lou fell beside him, water running rivulets over her body and soaking him as she leaned in smiling with abandon to give him salty sprinkling kisses. They stayed a while longer in their moonlit seclusion. Then, when the clouds moved across the sky, they walked hand in hand to bed.

And she still hadn't told him............

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