The Last Fight

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*play song*
"Mom ? Dad? Are you both feeling okay?" I trembled and shake making my way closer to them. They were sitting side by side staring at a blank wall.

  "殺します(kill)" they both chanted ceaselessly.
"Seriously , this isn't funny!" I raised my voice higher than usual. Annoyed at their childish behaviour , I showed an attitude to get their attention but nothing seems to be getting them to just look at me.

  I took a step closer to them and an unusual fluctuation in temperature made me shiver and sent waves of tremors through my entire body.  I felt something brush through my back that made me quiver in fear.

I pat them on the shoulder I gasped at their black lifeless eyes , pale face and hair that looked like it wasn't taken care of. They seem to not be saying or doing anything and I was expecting them to start bursting out laughing about their prank on me but I felt like this was real.

"Don't play! This isn't funny" I yelled and this was pissing me off. Having a rough week already made me pissed and this was how they are going to treat me? Some lame prank that just ruined my whole day.

"This is the start of the game. Ready?" Mom whispered and it didn't sound anything like her. It was a deep raspy voice coming from a lady , weird.

"What game? Ugh you need to stop this"
Both of them stared at me and gave me this sinister grin. Almost creepy enough to send me running back to my room screaming.
I laid on the bed and bury myself into the blankets. The light in the room started flickering and I didn't even want to take a peek on what is waiting for me in the end of my room. I can feel the sweat drench my skin and the thumping of my heart against my chest.
I was overwhelmed by fear that I was just too afraid to do anything. My heart tells me to stand strong and fight whatever that's in the same room with me but my brain tells me that I'm falling in some trap.

I peeked and there was no one which was a great relief. I attempt to hold the paper that had the poem written on it but the wind was too strong making the paper fly to the other end of the room. I chased it and finally got it when I feel like the whole room is shaking.
Is this an earth quake ? Natural disaster ? What explains the unexpected shaking ?


  The room mysteriously started shaking violently. My book shelf started shaking violently like what you would see in a natural disaster movie. The lights started flickering and bam , it was pitch black and I could see anything. The paper was still in my hand and I hoping this would be in handy if anything comes up and tries to Attack me.

  "Hello?" I immediately regretted shouting that out loud in the pitch dark room where I couldn't see a single thing.

  The power came back on and I nearly passed out at this white figure with Long black hair covered in moths. It's terrifying black eyes and black kimono that was staring straight at me.

  "あなたを殺す(kill you)" it said with his mouth wide open. "今日はあなたの幸運な日、レニー(today will be your lucky day, Renee)"
That wasn't all , I was violently pinned to the wall and felt like my spine was broken into pieces. Thankfully, the paper was still in my hand and I could put Haruki in hell forever.

私たちは失われています。" I shouted as loud as I can while I was still pinned to the wall with the paper in my Hand. The wind was increasingly strong each time I say a sentence from this poem. I couldn't continue after something strangled me which stopped me from continuing the poem.

私たちはすでに..なくなりました--" the paper flew out the window and I gave up. This was the end , The end of my life. I've tried so hard and it all came down to this. I stopped struggling and let Haruki torture me all she wants.

  "Finish the poem Renee. Don't give up" something whispered to me..


@officiallybev's note:
2 chapters updated today! Get ready for the next one ❤️ this is the second last  chapter of the whole story so get ready because it would be the end 😂💜
Who do you think spoke to Renee ?
Was it Anna's spirit or Hanako?

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