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  It's been 5 months after moving in to this beautifully country. I've been learning Japanese in schools and it's a whole different environment here. I'll bring bentos and we would eat them in class and can you believe we don't actually janitors in class? Everyday , someone is assigned to clean our class to make sure it's neat and tidy. So far , life has been great for me but maybe not for Anna.
She has been acting up strange ever since we burned that doll away. Every single day she would alone. She refuses to speak to anyone not even me. I'll take a bike home with her Everyday and she would always talk to this "person" that is behind her and it's making me extremely uncomfortable. I mean kids sure have imaginary friends but this was the next level. She would start talking to this "person" non stop and wouldn't stop. Even at night , I heard her jumping around the whole room giggling and it's just strange how another voice replies back to her. It could be her just messing with herself or it could be Haruki...

  Today was worse than the day before.
Every night at 3 am I would hear loud banging on my door and I would see haruki the doll in the corner of my room when she really isn't there. Am I hallucinating ? Am I dreaming or is this for real?
But today ,  I felt a strong presence in my room.
I've been hearing whispers of a little girl speaking in a language I'm unclear of.
I've always heard it say "殺します"
Which translates it to "kill"
Struggling to fall asleep I decided to put a pillow over my face in hopes that the "person" wouldn't start beating my face up.
Surprisingly , I fell asleep despite the fact that I had this uneasy feeling of someone beside me.

  In the morning I felt fresh and I finally didn't have horrible eye bags :( I applied some foundation as I looked myself in the mirror making sure it was even and well blended.
I took Anna by her hand and made sure she wouldn't fall out of the stairs like she did the last time and I was speechless at what I'm seeing. She had cuts and bruises all over her arms. Did she do this to herself or was it her "Friend" that caused all this? Regardless , I wouldn't let go of this so easily and it's time find out what is really happening to Anna.


@officiallybev'a note :
I'm honestly not proud at this story due to the fact that my grammar , vocabulary and everything is horrible ughhhhh. I hope in the next upcoming story "red thread" it would be better than this crap :/ I do also hope it gets a lot of reads and votes but i doubt it would honestly ☹️ that's all for today! I'm going off to sleep and I'm off to write one more chapter for me friendssss hohoho ! Have a good day everyone !! 💖

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