If Im Too Late

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"Here! I got you a whole set of your Favourite sushi.." I exclaimed trying to boost Anna's mood. But she wasn't responding. She just sat there , infront of a blank wall with her legs crossed and her hands on her lap.
She snatched the bento from me , looked at it and surprisingly had the guts to toss the plastic filled with sashimi to the carpet which made everything fell.

Y-you.. why can't you be more appreciative ? I've bought you this and instead this is y-you. honestly so done with kids like you." I shut the door behind me and groaned. "Brat!" I screamed out hoping she could hear me.

I take back everything I said before.
It's been 9 months since we moved here and it's been disturbing for me to see Anna like this. She often missed dinners , Kept Quiet the whole day and wouldn't stop herself from staying in her bedroom 24/7. This time , I planned a fun activity for her in school and I was hoping she would enjoy herself there.
I wanted to save the old Anna back. I felt perturbed just looking at How gloomy Anna is Every single day. I was afraid she did someone to herself..

"Hey! Don't look so woebegone Anna! Smile and have fun in school!" I gaily said to her while patting her on the shoulder.
"k thanks" was all she replied to me.
Shutting the door behind me , I ran up the stairs to my bedroom and decided to give Anna's room a little makeover.
It looked even worse than a prison cell.
I noticed the walls were all written in the words "goodbye goodbye goodbye" the bed felt stiff and Uncomfortable and her dolls and play toys were scattered around the room.
No more pretty in pink princess room anymore , it seemed like she have changed her styles.

I caught something  laying on the edge of the table. It was begging me to read it and I decided to give it a quick look.
"インクルード and さようなら" written on the piece of envelope.
"Die and goodbye? what does this mean?" I whispered.
"Pff this is some silly joke" I placed it in one of Anna's drawers and decided to paint the whole walls pink for her.


@officiallybev's note :
this book reached #185 rank in horror ?! I actually can't believe it! Again thank you all for the continuous votes and Support! Shoutouts to my old Friend here CheongCharlize 😂 ill visit you soon ok 😂 Thank you all for the continuous support omg ! ❤️💐 see you guys in the next chapter !

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