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"But I'm not," I fasten the seatbelt because I'm not ready to die yet-I just met Gray.

"Yes you are. You're always like this, especially around me," he grabs my wrist and tighten his grip every time I defy him.

"What do you expect? I don't even know you-"

"Then get to know me!" His thumb rubs against my skin.

I don't know how to reply to that. I don't want to make him any angrier than he already is-not safe.

When we get to school, I remember what Freddie said about me getting away from Ralph when we park next to Freddie's car.

I pretend to not see him and look at Ralph instead, but he still notices me in Ralph's car with Ralph.

Freddie get out of his car and knocks on the window beside me, "Open up Gabe."

Before I could do anything, Ralph rolls down the window for Freddie.

Freddie notices Ralph's heavy grip on my wrist, "Let my friend go."

"No way. You busted his lips and then demand him back when you have Jelly?" Ralph pulls me closer to him, "I think not."

"You almost fucking raped Gabe yesterday, you fucking rapist," Freddie reaches for me through the open gap.

Ralph reaches for his panel for window control to cut Freddie's arm, but I quickly stop him.

"You Monster!" Freddie shouts, "Come on Gabe, let's go. I'll give you a ride every morning from now on."

I push Ralph's away from me and got my stuff to leave with Freddie. Then because it is ultimately my decision, Ralph didn't stop me. However, as Freddie and I left, I saw a glimmer of sadness in him.

"So why did Mr Funny thinks I busted your lips?"

"Um, I don't know. He never listens to what I have to say," my reply is sweet and simple. I don't want Freddie to think too much of it.

"So, it is your dad this time? Or is it your stepmom?" He touches my bruised lips with his soft and warm fingers. I knew it, I made him worry again.

I laugh it off, "It's nothing. It'll heal just like it did every time."

"Can I report your guardians as abusive?"

"Ah, you will be wasting your time. A lawsuit take a long time and it's our senior year. You should be more worried about scholarships and what school you're going to," I open the door to Math class.

"My dad's billionaire, both of my grandmas are billionaires, and my mom is a millionaire. I think I'll be fine," he winks at me.

"Must be nice huh?" I raise my eyebrows a few times because I can't smile.

"I can share my college money with you," he offers as we sit in our usual spots-in the front of the class.

"It's fine. I'll find scholarships on my own-"

"I'm for real, Gabriel. Just ask me for stuff," he stares at the deep red on my lips, "be selfish for once!"

I don't know to reply to this. I already made him my best friend, I shouldn't ask for more. I am satisfied with this.

Jelly walks through the door and smiles and she notices Freddie. She walks to us with careful steps conveying her pure upbringings.

Then she walks to me not wanting people to know she and Freddie are dating.

"How did you do number-oh my gosh! What happened here," she points at her lips reflecting mine.

"Oh, it's because I fell from the stairs home of course, ahaha," her face is not convinced.

"You said that last time too. And the time before last," she pouts, "You can trust me too Gabe."

I try my best to smile, "I do trust you. I really just fell from the stairs."

"Next time this happen, you better record it or I will report it to the police-"

"You can't unless you have his permission to," Freddie intervenes.

"What Law states that?"

"My parents. They have a lot of problems." Freddie thinks about it and then says, "at least it's not morally right.

Just think about it, do you think I'll let my best friend suffer this much if I can easily help him?"

She rolls her eyes and then goes to her class, "See you guys during lunch."

"Yeah!" Freddie and I say together. I blush a little.

Then I recall the good news I wanted to tell Freddie, "Oh, Gray-"

The bell rings.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

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