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The expression on Dan's face grows more and more worrisome as his daughters haven't come home.

He would constantly checks his phone for a message or a text.

"I think Ellie and Carly are probably just staying after school," I try to smile.

"You think so too?"

"Mom it's fine. Why don't you call them?" Freddie suggests as he clear his plate.

"No. I already left them a message. I don't want to come off as controlling to them," Dan sighs and clapping his hands together with his chin resting on them.

"Do you want me to call them?" Freddie offers and with a single move things are set.

"Ah, no. But ah...thank you, Freddie," Dan's face become more sad.

"Oh hey, Carly?...Where are you and Ellie?...Okay? But Fred never asked for mom's permission...oh, hey Fred," muting us, Freddie whispered, "Fred took them because he finally having a break."

Dan makes a very confused face and asks for the phone. Then he walks to the backyard alone with the phone.

"What's going on?" I asks because I was definitely curious, "but it's fine if you don't want me to know."

"It's just Fred trying to get mom's attention again," although his voice shows sarcasm, his expression encompasses a violent devil I have never seen before.

"Do you hate Fred?" I obviously don't know who this Fred is and assuming it's Dan's ex-boyfriend or something because I do know that all of Freddie's siblings are his half siblings.

"Oh yeah. I detest the guy," he nods his head up and down with his arms crossed.

"Um, so he wants to get back together with your mom or something?"

Freddie didn't hear me as he was in his own world, then all of a sudden, "Damn you Glenn. He knows mom and Fred don't get along."

I don't know the context of that but Freddie races upstairs to his brother's room.

It feels awkward since I'm at a friend's house and they're having problems. I know this because all I hear is Freddie's contained shouts from upstairs.

As a matter of facts, I have never hear Dan or Glenn or Ellie shouting. I guess it's just not in their character.

I decide to pull out a notecard and write something on it. After that, I left their house and as I walk down the street to mine, a familiar figure present itself.

The figure is a man about my height looking very suspicious as he walks to the front porch of my house.

"Hey, excuse me. Do you have something to do with my father? If so, he won't be home until 11:00 PM," I call out to the suspicious man.

I held my phone in my right pocket with my index finger tapping the power button so ready to press it five times-this automatically call the police.

"Gabriel?" He walks toward me, "Is that really you Gabriel?"

"Um, I cannot confirm or deny that."

He jumps with joy and hugs me. In his embrace, I feel at home, a real home. It is warm and powerful.

"Who...who are you?" I mange to ask.

"I'm your mom," even without seeing the man's face, I know he is crying.

"But my mom died when she gave birth to me," I quickly push the man away. He looks so sad and almost the same way I see myself in the mirror everyday. "And you're a man?"

"But I'm really your mom, Gabriel. I was drugged and it mutated my internal organs, I became able to give birth you see..."

His voice trails off because I stop listening. His story sounds so similar to Freddie's mom's.

"Don't tell me SSRP?!"

He is surprised I know the acronym and quickly pulls me into his car, which I don't mind. I understand.

"Where did you hear that from?" His voice is emphasized with curiosity and short breaths.

"Before I can tell you that...I need to confirm that you're my biological mother," I stare into his eyes.

"But how do we do that?"

"Um, we, um, we can go see Dr. Vang?"

"Okay. How about we just shout out things we have in common because some behaviors are genetics?"

"Yeah that works too, but how do I know you didn't stalk me beforehand?"

"Because if I had the luxury to, I wouldn't have let that man took you away from me."

"That man as in my dad, Antonio Garfield?" He nods, "Um, but seriously. How do I know you didn't stalk me beforehand?"

He sighs and says, "You have a birthmark right in the middle between your a-"

I cover his mouth nothing wanting you to know that secret, "Okay, I trust that your my mom."

He laughs like how I do and pulls me back into his embrace. That lasts for a good 10 minutes. I already love this person who missed over 17 years of my life.


"Yes, Gabriel?" His voice is like how stepmom talks to my half siblings and especially close to how Dan speaks with Freddie and his siblings.

"Why did dad took me away from you?"

"Because he was already married and I was a broke artist," his grip on my shoulders tightens.

"So you sold me off?"

"What? No way. I would've sold my kidney instead," he laughs and I laugh with him. "So where did you hear SSRP from?"

"My best friend's mom is also a SSRP in-volunteer," I feel his hand rubbing my back.

"Daniel and Fredrick?"

"Y-yes? How do you know them?" I'm still thinking about the name Fredrick and then realize it was Fred.

"They helped me get on my feet as an artist," we pull apart but my hands are still in his. The car smells nice.

I could only smile because I knew Dan is such a special person.

"Then, can I go live with you now?" I am so ready to dump that trashy family.

But mom's face become sad and silent, "I can't...or at least not yet. I will definitely try. I promise you that Gabriel."

Then there is an irritating knock on the window. It was dad. He isn't happy.

I look at mom for answers but he only nods his head and I assuming that means open the door so I did just that.

Dad's arm snake into the car first and pinches and pulls on my ear to drag me out. Mom walks out and demands that my dad let go of my ear.

"He's my son. I can do whatever I want."

"He's also my son and I say let him go."

"Who in the world are you to claim him as your son...Gray?"

Oh, and yes. Another cliffhanger. Don't you love it?? 😍😍

Jk, I'm just trolling you again.

Thank you for reading, voting, and adding it to your reading lists!! ❤️❤️

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