I put my homework sheet away and yelled a quick "coming" as I rushed downstairs.

I made my way into the dining room, smelling the magnificent Lasagna. My mom was an amazing cook, which made me wonder if she could ever make it as a chef.

My mom, Esme, was beautiful, at the age of 40 she looked at least 25. It astounded me how my mom looked so young, like someone who could be my older sister. She had shoulder length copper colored hair which I envied. She also had sparkling green eyes, which I had inherited and was of medium height. My mom worked in the bank, a boring job that she somehow loved. It was bizarre really because my mom was nothing but boring. She was the quirky, bubbly mother that could talk about anything. She loved talking to people, or just talking in general.

My dad, Mark, was quite the opposite of his wife. He was tall and strong. He had an almost dark look, that made some people afraid of him. His features were dark and intimidating, which was helpful in his line of work, being a businessman meant he had to be up for negotiations. His intimidating look made many of his partners scared and meant that most of the time, his deals were successful. I knew that my dad was a big softie though, by the way he acted around mom and me.

They had both met in high school, dad being a soccer player and mom being into drama. They had both hit it off during an art class and became high school sweethearts. Mom said to me that it was love at first sight. I was jealous of their relationship but happy that they were a couple that would last. I knew my parents would be together for the rest of their lives.

We all sat down, my dad at the head of the table. We always had tea together, it was family time. We would talk about our days, make jokes and talk about upcoming events.

"So sweetie, when do you go back to cheerleading?" Mom sweetly asked as she put a bit of lasagna on her plate.


"Wonderful." She cheered, a bright smile on her face.

"How short are the uniforms?" Dad asked, chewing on a bit of his food.

"Ugh, dad." I rolled my eyes. "They aren't that bad"

I knew my dad wanted to know how much the outfits covered as he hated it being too revealing. He was very overprotective of me.

"It better not be too short darling otherwise I'm complaining to the school." He stated.

I nearly whined a no at that; I didn't want the cheerleading squad to be angry at me over the uniform. They loved parading around in the skimpy outfits. It was an excuse to wear little clothing without getting told off or being called a slut.

"So honey, have you met any guys yet?" Mom asked, trying to change the subject. I nearly choked on my piece of food at that. I hated how she wanted me to date a guy.

"No mom."

"Aww but why? I'm sure there are plenty of decent guys at your school that you could date." She whined whilst dad glared at her. Didn't mom see that studying was more important than some guy who would break my heart?

"Why don't you try and find a guy? You know, hook up with some guys, go to loads of parties and mess around with th-"

She was cut off by a moderately angry dad. He didn't like hearing me, his precious daughter, being with some other guy, in his eyes, nobody else was good enough to deserve me. "That's enough honey. If Anna says she isn't interested then leave it."

"But...she's missing out on so much." Mom childishly complained.

"No, she's not, she's just being smart about her decisions," Dad explained, giving me a small smile to show he was on my side.

"You don't get it though, she needs to experiment. You know, hook up, fall pregnan-"

"Mom!" I exclaimed, a small blush forming on my cheeks. I did not want my mom talking about having a baby right now. I'm only eighteen for crying out loud!

"What honey? I'm just saying that you need to play around and learn new things." Mom tried to reason but both I and dad didn't agree. Mom had always been the bold, straightforward member of the family who said whatever she wanted to.

"Oh my gosh, I have a crazy mother," I muttered, leaning back in my chair whilst running a hand through my hair. My mom was unbelievable, never seizing to amaze me.

"What was that sweetie?" Mom sweetly asked, smiling. "I couldn't quite hear what you said."

"Nothing, dear mother," I told her and she shrugged, going back to eating her food.

The rest of the dinner went relatively smoothly after that. With all of us having small talk, mom mother dominating the conversation as usual.


"I'm going to my room now," I announced, standing up from the chair.

"You aren't planning to sneak a boy in, are you?" Mom teased, a smirk on her face.

"No, I'm not mom." I flatly said, turning around before she could say some other ridiculous thing.

As soon as I shut my door, I made my way to my bed and collapsed. The day just kept getting weirder and weirder. Firstly, Xavier started to talk to me and was following me around. Secondly, my chemistry teacher was engaged which was bewildering because she was literally Satan reincarnated, making her actually happy for once. But not happy enough to give the class any less homework. And thirdly, my mom was acting stranger than usual. Which wasn't anything new really but she had never started talking about getting pregnant. What the hell was that about?

Was I in some sort of nightmare, or am I just naturally cursed? I knew that the chemistry thing might not be a curse but maybe a blessing because now she might be a bit nicer, but the whole Xavier and the pregnant thing was definitely not a blessing. That was a curse.

I groaned as I got a notification on my phone. I just wanted to think about how my life was turning to hell, I didn't want to be grumpy to my friends.

Grabbing my phone, I saw that it was a Facebook notification. More specifically, a friend request. I scrunched my eyebrows together, confused. Who would be sending me one now? Curious, I opened to see it was from the one and only Xavier King.

Wonderful. I thought sarcastically.

Immediately, I declined to it, grinning. He could take that rejection. Make him feel like he couldn't have everything. Not everything could go his way all of the time.

And with that, I got my tablet out and continued to watch Stranger Things. 

Word count: 1888


Hehe, I really wanted to create a crazy mother character, like Esme. She kind of reminds me of one of my friends when she's drunk. Lol.

Anyway, how did you like the chapter? Did you like her parents or not? And what do you think the event is?

Please COMMENT and VOTE!! It makes me feel great knowing somebody likes my story. 


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