Chapter 73

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Kaia got dressed with the help of Caroline and Louis. They also helped to get Destiny and Ahmir dressed.  She made her way to the living room where she found her very handsome husband waiting for her.
"Do I meet with your approval?" She asked.

Zayn whistled loudly.  "Damn, I have one good looking family. You are going to put the bride to shame with how amazing you look, Kaia," he said with a big smile.  "So...I was thinking.."

She just rolled her eyes and laughed at him. "Okay," she said. "Lay it on me."

"I think you should take the twins to see Marian in her bridal suite. Show her you are with child and you are there to support her." 

"Why, so she can berate me some more?" She looked at him and he was giving her a stern look. "Alright fine. I'll do it."

"You need to tell her you're pregnant, plus you will have the twins with you so she won't berate you in front of them. You need to trust your friendship." 

She sighed heavily. "Okay," she said. "I hope you're right about this. I suppose we should get going." She turned to head towards the waiting car when she was gripped by horrific pain in her back. "Oh God," she said out loud and took a hold of her back.

Zayn quickly turned to Kaia, this was his biggest fear that she would go into labor during the ceremony or right before it.  "Kaia, what's wrong? Is it time? I will have my mother drops the twins off at the wedding." He said in a panic.

She waved her hand at him. She knew she was in the stages of pre-labour but she wasn't going to admit it to him. "No, baby," she said giving him a smile even though she was in immense pain. "Just a swift kick to the kidneys. I'll be alright. I promise."

"Kaia, If you are in labor they will understand. I don't want you to put yourself into any kind of danger, the last time I almost lost you and it nearly killed me!" He said.  "I can't lose you or this baby!" 

She took his hand. "I'm alright," she said. "And I swear you aren't going to lose me. Or this baby. Now come on, we have a wedding to go to." As she walked away from him she bit her lip as another pain hit her. Please baby, she wished silently, be good. Tomorrow, you can come tomorrow.

"Okay, if you are sure. Because I know a little boy who would be heartbroken if his momma didn't see him walk down the aisle at his aunties wedding." 

She got into the car and saw Zayn watching her. He strapped the twins into their car seats and sat down next to her. She drank some water slowly. "I wouldn't miss it for the world," she said. She looked at her husband. "I'll be alright, Zayn."

"Don't think I won't be keeping an eye on your Bennett. The moment this wedding is over, we are going to the hospital to get you checked out. I don't care if it is false labor or not we are going." 

"Whatever you say, Malik," she said as they headed towards the venue. The closer they got the more nervous she got. When they got there, the car pulled around towards the back. Kaia got out and waited for Zayn and George to get the twins out. She smoothed out wrinkles that weren't there in her dress and tried to maintain normal breathing.  She looked up and smiled at her husband. "Ready?"

Zayn looked down at his children who seemed to be chomping at the bit to go in and see their auntie. This event was highly talked about between his children for weeks now.  "Yes, I would rather get you checked out but we have promises to keep before that can take place. Let's go and see Marian."

Kaia took Destiny's hand and followed Zayn. They came to a small building and stopped in front of the door. She suddenly felt very sick to her stomach. "I...Zayn...I...."

THE TIES THAT BIND-Book 3 In The Sexy As SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now