Chapter 5

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They had been home for a whole day now.  Louis saw that Marian was tired from the chemotherapy but she tried not to show it.  She wanted to do everything for the baby as well as entertain her parents. but her father quickly put a stop to her fussing. He kept telling her they would be fine in the guest suite.

"Snowflake, William is asleep let's go to bed," Louis said as he found her lingering in the nursery.

"I don't want to leave him."

"You won't," he said gently as he glanced at his sleeping child.   "We'll just be in our room.  The baby monitor is on and you can watch him all night if you like, but remember, the doctors said it is important for you to get your rest."

"You promise he will be okay?" She asked as she looked at him, worry etching every edge of her face.

"Yes. We can hear every sound he makes." 

"Monkey," she said trying to protest yet again.

"Let's go to bed," he said and pulled her out of the nursery.  Once in their bedroom, he pulled her against him and held her close.  Being careful not to hurt her.  He reached over her and turned the monitor towards them.  He had gotten one of the new high tech ones with a camera so they could always see William.  "See, he's sound asleep," he said kissing her cheek.  "Now it's time for mummy to go to sleep."

Marian sighed heavily and held on tight to Louis' arm.  She then linked her fingers with his and let her eyes glance back up at the monitor.  She couldn't help but smile.  She could hardly believe that William was here.  With them.  And that they were all together.


Louis bolted awake and felt a cold chill rush through his body. He glanced over and saw that Marian wasn't in bed.  He glanced at the clock and saw that it was still the middle of the night.  A few seconds later he heard her voice coming through the monitor.  He saw that she was sitting in rocking chair next to the crib, holding their son close.  He shook his head and should've know that her stubborness would win out their first night home.  He got out of bed and stood in the doorway of the their son's room.  He couldn't help but smile at the sight in front of him.  William's head resting on her chest as she gently stroked his back.  Whispering words of love to him.

"You need your rest."

She glanced up.  "I was just checking on him.  I changed his diaper and now I'm giving him a bottle. I don't want to miss every moment that I can have with him," she said wiping away a tear.  "I'm afraid that I'm going to miss out on seeing him grow up."

Louis stepped into the nursery and went to her side.  He bent down and took his son in his arms. "William is going to be a star athlete with his mum cheering him on from the sidelines," he said, giving his sleeping child a kiss and then laid him back in his crib.  He turned to Marian and helped her stand up and pulled her into his arms, holding her close.  He kissed her temple said laying his son back back down in his crib.  "We can beat this thing Snowflake.  The doctors said with the chemo and the radiation treatments you're going to be fine.  We just need to have a little faith.  I know it's hard, but you're going to get through this."

She pulled them closer to the crib.

"You see that kick of his?" Louis asked as William kicked his little legs in his sleep.  "He's going to be an amazing footballer and I can see the future.  I see you beating this and being one of those crazy footballer mums.  Cheering our son on and yelling at the refs because they made a shit call."

"Where are you?" She asked looking back at him.

He couldn't help but grin.  "I'm banned from the field for overzealous behavior but you're so supportive of our son,  even when he loses. I have a tendency to go off on the refs and try to buy my way out of trouble." He said, still grinning.   "So I sit in the car and watch from the sidelines with our daughter is who only a toddler. It took us several years to have her." 

"We have a daughter in the future? What's her name?" she asked feeling herself calming down a little.

"Arabella Joannah Tomlinson.  She loves to get into mischief, just like her daddy. One time she ran onto the field and tackled her brother. Apparently she was paying him back for eating her ice cream the night before. We have the most amazing kids who love their mother so much."

"That future sounds absolutely perfect," she said wrapping her arms around his waist. " I hope that we can make that reality.  What about Kaia and Zayn? Are they in our future?"

"Of course," he said with another grin and a shake of his head.  "Kaia plans the wedding of the century for us and she goes on a world tour and wins several awards for her albums.  But when she gets pregnant for the second time, she puts down the microphone and focuses on becoming an amazing mother to her three kids. She is constantly at our house because she falls in love with Arabella like you have with Ahmir.   Saying she reminds her of you as a young child."

"I love you," she said pulling him into a kiss. "That was exactly what I needed to hear."

Louis glanced back at the crib.  "Our son is asleep, let's convene to the bedroom and get some rest ourselves," he said.

"So what do you say to having a little one on one time. A little sexy time? " Marian asked with a smirk.

As they walked out of the nursery, he couldn't help but roll his eyes and held her close.  "You're going to be the death of me," he said with a playful slap to her bottom.  He watched as she scurried off in front of him.  He let out the literal breath that he had been holding.  He hoped and prayed that they're future would become the words he had spoken.  He couldn't lose her.  He loved her too much.  She was his world and he couldn't imagine it without her.

Big kudos to SnowTardis for this chapter....all the love....xoxo

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