Chapter 4

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Marian had her first round of chemotherapy later that night and Louis stayed by her side the entire time.  It wore her out but she was able to sleep for the remainder of the night.  The nurse would bring William in and Louis would feed him and he would talk to him softly.  After his last feeding the nurse took him back to the nursery and Louis fell asleep in the very uncomfortable chair in her room.

The next morning Louis stepped out of the room to call his mum and Marian's parents.  She curled up into a ball on her bed.  Her eyes now dry of the seemingly gallons of tears she had cried.  She glanced at the nightstand next to her bed and opened the drawer.  She pulled out her phone and she opened her contact list.  Her finger hovering over one name and one name only.  She glanced at the door and heard Louis talking and she smiled weakly when he looked at her.  She put her phone back in the drawer and shut it.

"Were you going to call Kaia?" He asked as he sat back down next to her.

She shook her head.  "No," she said quietly as he took her hand in his.

"I called your parents," he said.  "They should be here in a little while with mum. She and Dan took them out for brunch."

"Okay," she said and just stared off in to space.

"We're going to fight this," he said.  "You know that right?"  He reached over and gently pushed her hair back.  "And we're going to live a long and happy life together."

"If you say so." 

He reached down and pulled her up so that she was looking at him.  "I'm not going to let you die Marian," he said sternly.  "Do you hear me?"

She merely nodded her head and large tears fell from her eyes again.  He pulled her to him and held her tightly.  He kissed the top of her head.

"I love you Marian," he whispered.  "I love you so much."

That was how her parents found them, as well as Louis' mum and step dad.  Louis waved them in the room and they shut the door. 

Louis was the one that told them of Marian's diagnosis.  Her mother burst into tears and her father was stunned.  Johannah went to Louis' side and took a hold of his hand.  They discussed the options and what treatments had been started already, and Marian made them all swear not to tell Kaia or Zayn.  She didn't want them to know. Not yet anyway.

Her mother ran out of the room and Johannah went after her to make sure she was alright. Louis could see that Jeremy was trying to keep it together. 

He could tell that Marian needed some time with her father and he quietly left the room with Dan.

Jeremy looked down at his daughter as she lay in the hospital bed.

"Daddy I'm sorry," she said.

He sat down on the bed next to her, stunned slightly by her words.  He reached over and took her hand in his.  "Why are you sorry princess?"

"I didn't mean for this to happen," she said and started crying all over again.  "I think that God is punishing me for having an affair and leaving my husband."

"Oh princess," Jeremy said softly.  "He's not punishing you," he said.  He was having a hard time with his emotions.  She was his only child.  His pride and joy and now they'd been dealt a terrible blow.  He wiped away her tears and just as he did, he couldn't stop the tears that now formed in his eyes.  He gently squeezed her hand a little tighter.  "You're not going to give up," he said.  "This is not a death sentence.  I won't let you give up."

"What's the point?" she asked sadly.

"I'll tell you what the point is," he said.  "The point is that beautiful grandson of mine," he said.  "I'm not going to let his mother give up like my mother did!"

THE TIES THAT BIND-Book 3 In The Sexy As SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now