Bts when you cry

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When he walked in the apartment door to see you crying, mom mode was activated. He would hold you tightly in his arms and kiss all over your face. He would ask if you wanted to talk, and if you said no he would hold you until you were ready to talk or until you stopped crying.


He would wake up to you out of bed, and walk into the living room to see you crying on the couch, he would cautiously ask you if you were ok, and then would wrap you in his arms, having him just be there was the best remedy.


He was just about to leave for a section of the 'Wings' tour that you couldn't accompany him to because you were going home to America when you broke down crying. He would take you into his arms and hold you tight, telling you it was only a month and that he would call and text you every day.


This little sunshine was heartbroken when you broke down from stress over your upcoming bio test. He would tell you that you would do great and he would be here for you no matter what. He would do his award-winning aeygo to cheer you up too.


Koala mode, activate. When you would cry about anything he would lay his head on your shoulder and wrap his legs and arms around you. He would then make you laugh by asking silly questions, or sneezing by accident.


When he heard you crying because of something someone said to you he would barrel you over and hug you, then tell you how much he absolutely loved and treasure you. After wiping the tears away with his cute thumb he would ask if you wanted to cuddle.


Would sit down holding you bridal style and just hold you until you would stop crying, occasionally whispering encouraging things to you. It broke his heart to see someone that he treasured so much be in so much pain.

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