TOKUSENTAI!! Enter!! The Ginyu Force!!

Start from the beginning

"A full power Super Saiyan Hakai double Final Flash?" said Pumkin with a grin. "Well sis.. I have to say, I've been dying to try out our tag team moves.."

Black nodded. "I have too.. alright then.. let's charge u... u..."

Black and Pumkin's eyes widened with astonishment, as a powerful purple telekinetic force gripped their bodies, freezing them in place.

"Ehehehehehehe!" Guldo grinned from behind the duo, his hands held in a strange position. "How do you like my telekinetic powers? Can't charge up if you can't move an inch of your muscles can you?"

"Damn.. forgot about the little guy.." Pumkin growled. 

"Now.. eliminating you.. will be just the FIRST step in my personal mission of coming to earth.. to search for the man who wronged me!!!" Guldo growled. "I will never forget what he did to me... NEEEVERRRRR!!"

"Hello Vegeta.. how's it going-"

"Oh look it's Guldo! hello boy! Wanna biscuit boy? Wanna biscuit?"

"... do you think I'm a dog?"

"Have a biscuit boy!" *throws a biscuit in Guldo's face*

Guldo's eyes widened with rage as he remembered the man who wronged him. "When I'm through with him... HE will be the one who'll be rolling over.. ROLLING OVER DEA-"

"WHAP!" suddenly a dog biscuit smacked into Guldo's face. 

"What was that supposed to do!?" Wendy stammered at Lucy.

"Well..  that Burtur guy took my key satchel!" said Lucy. "And all I had left were these treats I got for Plue!"

"Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr....." Guldo's eyes flared with rage, his little body trembling. 

"Enough of that now! I'm getting bored!!" Recoome roared. "HERE WE GO!! RECOOOME!! ULTRA FIGHTING.. BOOOOOMBERRRRRRR!!!"

A massive explosion raged out of Recoome, blasting apart the street, as Wendy grabbed onto Lucy's waist, expelling wind from her feet, barely dodging the blast.

"Th-That's crazy power!!" Lucy stammered as she watched the street turn to cinders.

"RECOOOOOME.. KIIICK!!" Recoome appeared right above Wendy and Lucy and hurled a powerful kick at the group.

"SKY DRAGON'S ROAAAARRR!" Wendy hurled a powerful cyclone from her mouth, sending Recoome hurling back into a building, smashing it to bits.. 

Only to have Recoome jump out with relatively no harm to his body, grinning. 

"Heheheheh! That all ya got? BORING!" said Recoome. 

As Recoome chased after Wendy and Lucy, Black suddenly broke into a devious smile.

Black looked at Guldo. "Oh.. look.. look it's a little doggy.. how cute.."

Guldo's head whipped around so quickly to look at Black, that a distinctive "crack!" could be heard. 

"Oh.. roll over doggy.. come on.. roll over!" said Black. 

"No.. NO NO NO!!" Guldo roared. "You are NOT doing this to me.."

"Have a biscuit doggy! Have a biscuit!" said Black.

"SHUT UUUUUP!!" Guldo screamed. as he screamed, the telekinetic energy weakened from Guldo's lack of concentration.

Immediately Pumkin and Black exploded into Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan Rose, shattering through the telekinetic force..

"O-oops.. " Guldo stammered.

"Kick the puppy win a cookie!" said Black with a devious grin before she kicked Guldo right in the face, and caused the alien to fly headlong into Recoome, blasting the duo into the street.

"Huh!? Guldo!?" said Recoome. "What in the-?"

"FINAL FLAAAASHHHHH!!" Pumkin and Pumkin Black both fired their own Final Flashes, which combined into one ginormous ki blast.. intent on taking out both Recoome and Burtur at once..


Suddenly Burtur came down from above and flew around at hyperspeed, creating a massive blue cyclone that exploded into the blast.. deflecting it just slightly enough to barely miss Recoome's head.

"That was close!" said Burtur as he dodged another flaming strike from Natsu using his immense speed. "But not too close.. after all.. I am the Fastest in the Universe!"

Jeice and Burtur immediate jumped back and took stances around the dazed Recoome and Guldo. 

"They've got teamwork alright." Erza muttered. "pretty good teamwork too, the way they watch out for one another.. we might have to go full power.."


Suddenly, Ginyu landed next to his men, smiling. "Well well.. they survived you.. and not only that.. made you a little dazed in the process.

"They are impressive Captain." said Burtur. "But nothing we can't handle.."

Ginyu grinned. "I'm sure.. but Lord Frieza can use more people like these.. well how about it? We can make your Fairy Tail guild honorary members of the new Ginyu Force Expansion!"

"Go F*ck yourself." Pumkin spat.

"Whoa!" said Lucy. 

"They work for the jackass who killed my parents, I'm going to cuss em out." said Pumkin. 

"My.. such RUDENESS." said Ginyu. "Very well Fairy Tail.. until next time!!  I hope to see YOU all enlisted with us soon enough!! And learn to POSE! A good team can't happen unless you can all POSE together!! As for you Pumkin Everezz.."

Ginyu grinned, pointing at Pumkin. "Lord Frieza sends his regards!"

With that.. the Ginyu Force shook themselves off, and launched themselves into the sky, becoming streaks of light as they flew towards the Crocus Stadium. 

"These guys are bad news.." Natsu said. 

"You're telling me.." said Lucy. "Wait.. my keys!"

"WHAP!!" a satchel fell on Lucy's head as Burtur shouted. "Don't really know what these are!! You can keep em!"

"Ow.." Lucy muttered, grabbing her celestial keys grumpily. 

"Come on everyone.. let's get to that stadium before I have Super Sentai nonsense stuck in my head for the next few hours." Pumkin said.

Fairy Tail Super, Book 3: Wishes on the Seven StarsWhere stories live. Discover now