Brussel stepped forward, and as he did, Erza inched a hand over to her sword. That expression was pure malice and hate.. one of an extreme grudge.

"So.." Brussel said, glaring down at Pumkin, being a foot taller than her. "I hear you caused a lot of good people.. some immense suffering huh? Witch.."

"Easy Brus.." said Tomata in his calm and serious voice. "Not in front of all these people.."

"What.. all these people.. who are such blind fans of this devil!?" said Brussel with a sneer. "Would all of you.. still be fans of this wretched thing.. if you knew she KILLED hundreds!? Hundreds of our own townsfolk!! years ago! And ever since, she decided to hide with Fairy Tail like a wolf among sheep!!"

All the fans in the crowd looked at Pumkin with shock.

"Is this true?"

"Did she really kill hundreds?"

"Well.. it's not like she's been known about long.. anything could be true.."

Pumkin looked around uneasily, not making a sound, feeling an urge to fly out as soon as possible.

Erza made to step over.. but before she could, Natsu got there first.

"And what about YOU huh?" Natsu growled, his face inches from Brussel's own face.. flames igniting in his eyes. "Do YOUR fans know that your guild employs big bullies that hide behind their own arrogant asses?"

"Natsu Dragneel.." Brussel grinned. "Ya know.. I used to admire you.. the way ya beat Sting and Rogue in the last games.. I had an urge to fight you.. who knew that there were humans with fighting abilities that rivaled Saiyans... but this year is all about wrecking that Universe 7 Saiyan..  our Brute Monkey counterparts.. so maybe next year... now step off."

"Ya want to fight Pumkin.. ya fight me first.." Natsu growled, venom in his every word. 

As Natsu and Brussel stared darkly at each other, Tomata glared at Black..

Pumkin Black smirked at Tomata, a shadow of bloodthirst crossing her face. "Oh? Now now.. what's this?"

"You're her sister?" said Tomata.

"Well, I'd think the resemblance made it obvious." said Black with a sinister chuckle. 

"Does it not chill you to the bone.. that your sister is a monster?" said Tomata.

"Monster? Hmmmm.. I don't know.. I'm a pretty big monster myself.." said Black. "Care to find out?"

"Guys.. let's just go." said Pumkin. "Come on.."

Natsu looked at Pumkin. "Yo Pumkin! Don't let these punks scare ya! I know you're itching to fight strong people too! Don't let em ruin your fun!!"

"I.. won't.." Pumkin said. "But.. I really just want to get ready for the games.."

Natsu stared at Pumkin with concern. The Pumkin he knew would've gotten in anybody's face, a proud rule breaker at heart... but this Pumkin was scared and nervous.. and the reason soon became obvious.."

Lola was staring intently at Pumkin.. with an expression full of daggers.

"Oh boys.." said Lola with a smile of her own. "Let's leave Fairy Tail to their business.. after all. they're busy sheltering a pesky rat.. we don't want to catch the plague now do we?.. and Brussel.. don't be silly.. after all.."

Lola's Dead Eye flashed. "i'll be the one to rip that rat limb from limb.. not you.."

"Hmph.. we'll see about that.." muttered Brussel as he followed the rest of his team back into the crowd.

Fairy Tail Super, Book 3: Wishes on the Seven StarsWhere stories live. Discover now