I Promise

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Heyo! Thanks for the 1k reads!!! I thought this wouldn't go high...Because my last one.. LaurencexReader didn't go as high as this.. But..


There are going to be question and answering. So ask questions from all the characters of Aphmau. Or even me! But nothing personal k?

Alright.. Here we go.

She then lays her head on my shoulder and I lay my head on top of hers. I then heard giggles, squealing and snaps from cameras. I then look at her and she then removes her head on my shoulder.

"Zane. I wove you..*yawns* I'm sweepy.." She said childishly.

"OK.. Just wait.." I said jumping down.

"Alright.. Jump down. And I promise I will catch you." I said putting my arms out for her to jump in.

"B-But..Its scary!." Oh Irene.. This is what I get for letting her sit on the highest branch..

"Its alright. I'll catch you..I won't let you fall." I said

"Alright.. I trust you.." She closes her eyes and jumps out of the tree.

I jump too as I caught her. We land and she opened one eye to reveal her beautiful e/c colored eyes.

"Am I dead?." She asked as she opened the other.

"No.. You're alive.. Right here in my arms.." I said and I saw her blush.

She snuggles in my arms and I drop her.


"Aww come on!! I was sweepy!." She whines.

"You gotta catch me first!." I ran away smiling under my mask.

"Nwooooooooi!." She runs after me.

"You get back here!." She said a little furious.


"Come back here!." She yells.

We passed by Olive Garden which I saw Aphmau and Aaron were just finished with their dinner. They saw us and followed us.

"Get back----." She fell on the ground.


Aphmau and Aaron made sure she was OK. I walked to her.

"She's asleep. You drained her of her energy Zane.." Aphmau said with a little giggle.

"What were you doing?." Aaron raised an eyebrow.

"Playin." I said as I carried y/n in my arms.

"You know what... You two are sooooooooo cute!." Aphmau squeal.

"Shh.. She's asleep.." I said as I gave her a glare and she shut her mouth.

"Well.. Bye." I said walking away with y/n in my arms.

~Y/n's House ~

I lay her down her bed and tuck her in. I kissed her forehead and sat next to her and stroked her hair.

"You're cute.." I whisper.

She then smiles asleep.


Is she awake or did she have a good dream? Maybe its the second one.
I was drifting to sleep then it blackened.


"Mom no!!." Y/n yells.

"You have to stay away from that Ro'maeve! He doesn't like you!!!." A woman that looks like her pulls her. Her mom.

"He's my friend!!." Y/n bites the woman.

"You little mutt!." The woman holds her bitten hand.

"And you! *looks at Zane* You made her like this!." The woman kicks me.

"Ow!." I said but not falling down.

"Zuzu!." My mom comes to me.

"How could you!??!? This is Y/n's friend you're hurting! You're a monster!." My mom yells behind me.

"Zuzu.." Y/n hugs me.

"I'm alright.. She needs to learn a lesson mom.." I said glaring at y/n's mom.

"Y/n! Come here!." Her mom orders.

"No!." Y/n shouts.

"You little.." She grabbed her wrists pulling her wolf tail.

"DADDY!!!." She screams and I see a blonde man with eyes of blue green and has wounds stopping that horrid woman.

"Evelin! Stop this!." He pulls y/n back and hugs and carries her.

"She's not my daughter either! Even that little wolf boy ALPHA! He's going to die! I'll make sure of it! And I'll kill both of you! You'll all die when I return!!!!." Y/n's mom gets in the car and drives away.

"Dale what happened?." My mom asked because she was worried.

"Y/n?." I saw her crying on her dad's shoulder.

"Zaney waney.." She jumps out of her father's arms and hugs me.

"You didn't have to do that.." She cried and hugged me.

"I had too... I made a promise remember?." I said rubbing her back.

"Dale? What was she saying? Why did she say that Y/n isn't her daughter?." My mom asks.

"I'll explain later.. But we have to hide her and Alpha away from her.. Can you and Garte help me?." Y/n's Dad said.

"We can.. But we have to keep this a deep secret.. I also have a friend you know very well who will help us.. Now.. Let's get you bandaged up..Let the two have a little moment.."my mom said

"Alright..See you two later.. But were just over there..on the little cabin k?." Y/n's dad said and we nod.

They left us and I look at her.

"You OK?." I ask her.

"I'm ok now that you're here Zuzurella.." She smiled a little.

"Aww.. Come on.. Let's fix your hair and tail.. Its all messed up.." I said..


I rose out of y/n's bed and a tear fell. I miss our days..

Will it ever come back?

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