His Soft Side

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Y/n's POv

I woke up and did my normal routine and head to Zane's shared home. I knocked on the door and it opened. I saw Garroth. He's bleeding?!

"What happened?!." I wasn't the worried before..

"Its nothing.. Zane's up his room. He's expecting you." He said

"Stutter king.. Use some bandages and cover that cut. It'll save your life." I said as I went up to Zane's room.

"Zane?." I knocked on his door.

"Come in.." He replied.

Zane's POV

She's here. She wasn't wearing her hood.No nothing. She's wearing her simple outfit.

"What happened last night? I saw Garroth bleeding." She asked.

"The result of fighting.." I answered not looking away from a vampire book I'm reading.

"Irene.. You're really heartless." She said.

"I'm not that heartless." I replied putting the book down on my desk.

"Zane. Remembered---." I cut her off and stood in front of her.

"Don't think about the past.. It will only hurt both of us...You've been through a lot." I said as I lifeted her chin up.

"Zane.. I know it'll hurt us .. But." Her eyes narrow don't to the floor.

"Y/n.. Look at me. Look at me. I know you see me as your highschool bully. You're enemy or maybe even your nemesis. But all I could say is I'm sorry.. " I take my hand away from her chin. With it, I looked away.

"Zane..You're more than what I think..Well.. One of those were true. But you're not what I've seen in highschool. You've changed. Why?." She asked.

"I didn't change.. I am the same." I look at my window.

"Youre right..  You havent..changed.. Why are you so different when you're around me? Am I something to you?." As she said that my heart had a whole.

She didn't feel the same as I did for her. She never loved you Zane.

"Zane..." She comes closer to me and forces me to look at her.

"I see your monsters.. I see your pain. Tell me your problems , I'll chase them away. I'll be your lighthouse. I'll make it OK. When I see your monsters, I'll stand there so brave and chase them all away." She looked at me and a tear escaped her eyes.

"Just take me to the past..I just can't..imagine losing you.." I said not sounding like I'm about to cry.

"Were both in different pains aren't we Zane?." She asked

"Yes.. I can't lose you.. I've done that before and destroyed our friendship. I want to fix it. I want to do anything for you.. I'm so sorry." I fell on my knees and tears fell. My mask fell down. She probably saw me. She probably seen my crying marks.

"Zane..." She lowered to my position and hugged me. She began to cry.

"I'm the idiot Zane.. I started this.. I managed to break our friendship.. And its all because of me.. " she cries in my shoulder.

"I've done too much.. I wish I could die and you'll live peacefully.. Without me Zane. I'll just move to another place. Block everyone's numbers again and not making friends. I'll hide somewhere that will cave me in.. It will be much better." She cries.

"N-No.. You d-dont deserve to hide. away... You deserve to be known...To be a somebody." I lift her chin up.

"Please...let me make it up to you.. Let me wash every painful memory  that I created.. Let me make you happy again....Please..." I said and she narrowed her eyes down to the floor.

"Zane. I wish we didn't have to break our friendship. I wish...." I cut her off.
her lips were on mine and we kissed. We slowly pull away and I saw her eyes sparkling. I saw a hint of happiness in her eyes then hugged me.

"I love you Zane...Just know that.." She hugged me tighter and I hugged her back.

"I love you too...You are my everything.."

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