Everything is scary.

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"Please....I can't do this alone..." I cried in front of the graves of my loved ones.

I felt a hand rest on my shoulder and I looked up to see....Zane?

"Z-Zane? What are you doing here?." I look at the graves of my family.

"I saw you umm.. Get out of your house and I umm.. Wanted see where you were going. " Is he concerned?

"Why?." I wiped my tears and stared at my family's graves.

"Its the first time you got out of the house." He helped me up.

"Oh..I'll go now..." I said walking away.

"Wait! Can I walk you home?." He asked and I stopped.

"Sure." I blushed a faint pink.

After everything. I am walking to my new home with my highschool bully. He seemed concerned at first but...I don't think he likes me because he used to bully me and hurt me all the time.

Finally we arrived.

"Thanks for walking me home." I thanked him.

"No problem." He walked back to his house. I went in with a strange feeling. It can't be l-love..

I quickly ran to my room to change. I changed into a polo(like Garroth's) with an sleeveless under it and some pants. I  ran back down to cook some food. I cooked some f/f . I then jumped on the couch relaxing myself while watching (movie).

After watching that Awesome movie! I was kinda bored so I went to my music room. I know. Its lame for some people but I like music. It soothes me. I went in and played the piano. I played a rhythmic tune and started playing along as my fingers lead me.

Zane's POV

I was just watching my little horsies until, I was stopped by a melodic tune of a piano. I turned the TV off and roam around the house to see where it was coming. It wasn't Garroth because he was asleep snorin like a pig and it wasn't Vylad because he was meditating without music.

I then went out and roam around until I realized it was in y/n's house. I stood there blankly.

Y/n would never play a piano. In highschool, she never wanted to play anything. She was too afraid of playing and she said she was a failure in playing it.

But? Can she play? Or is a recording?

Those questions were stuck in my head until I decided to sit on the porch and listen to the melodic tune.

Garroth's POV

*yawn* Why is everything so quiet? Supposedly, Zane is squealing or screaming in his room because of the show he watches. I stood up and walked to his room to see he's not there. Hmm? I knocked on Vylad's door.

"Who is it?." He asked.


He opened the door.

"Do you know where Zane is?."

"No... I can only hear such a melodic tune."

"Melodic tune?."

"Music. I've been listening since I meditated. "

"Now that you mention it, I can hear someone playing a piano."

We both head down, out of the door and saw Zane sitting.

"Baby brother?."

"Gah! You scared me! ."

"What are you doing here?."

"Listening to that hideous playing." He looked like he lied.

"I know you like it." Vylad smirked.

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