I wont leave her!

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Zane's POv

I hear fighting from downstairs. It sounds like an actual fight! I went down to see Garroth and Lurance fighting. They're bleeding! What did they do?! Suddenly, Garroth throws a bottle and it nearly hits me.

"What the!??!?."

"You shouldn't do that!! He deserves to happy like everyone else!." Garroth said as he held his bat.

"That cyclops deserves to die! He must die like every black hearted person does! They DIE!." Laurence throws a mirror at Garroth.

"You're jealous!!!." Garroth shouts.

"You're stupid! He might be playing her!! Just like how he treated y/n! he treated her like a dog!." Laurence said.

"You dont know what Zane's Been through! He's been through a lot!." Garroth throws a trash can at him.

"You little monster!." Laurence runs at Garroth fully attacking him.

I run behind him and pull him away from Garroth.

"You cyclops! Get away from her!!." Laurence now was prepared to hurt me.

"Dont think about it!." I turned into the form the Jury of Nine takes.

"Its only fair I do this to!." He turned into a shadow knight and holds a sword.

"Why are you jealous!!?." I block his attack.

"Jealous?!? Really?!?! I dont want her to be hurt again because of you!! She got that scar from you Zane!." He holds his sword in front if him.

"You dont know that!." I said as I was ready to have a sword fight.

"You think I dont know?!?! You used a belt to drag her around and use it to hurt her!!!!." Laurence said.

"That was in the past!!!." I said as a tear fell.

" you hurt her!." He keeps on attacking me.

"You are a torture!." He keeps on attacking.

"You are worthless!." He pins me down.

"I'm not worthless to her... I matter her! I matter to everyone!." I pin him to the wall until my sword was close enough to his throat.

"You wouldn't hurt me!." Laurence barks.

"I will.." I push my sword in his skin. Piercing his skin and making blood come out.

"Argh!." Laurence yelps.

"You deserve this Laurence." I said as my eyes glowed dark blue.

"You little devil!." He shouts.

"Welcome to my realm Laurence...The Nether!." I pushed it more and it made more blood come out.

"Zane! Enough!." Garroth said.

I stop and Laurence fell.

"I hope you die in hell!." I said turning back to normal.

"I hope you burn too!." Laurence stands up and leaves.

"Ugh!! That brunette!." I said as my eyes were still glowing.

"Brother..your eye.." Garroth said wiping his face of the blood.

"I know..*eyes turn back to normal* You know I won't leave her right? I'm hers."

"And she's yours..You two deserve to be together." Garroth said as he bandaged some on the cuts.

"Need help?." I ask.

"N-No. N-No t-thank you." He said.

"I know you're lying..you can't cover up your face without anyone to help you."

I walk up to him and helped Bandaged him. Once were done.. I head back up to my room and flop in bed. My phone buzzed and I got a message.

Y/n Zane

Hey Zane..

Hey y/n. You're not asleep yet?

I'm texting you right? I'm not asleep.

Yeah. Yeah.. What kept you up?

The noise over your house. What's going in there? I saw Laurence running out a few minutes ago. What happened?

He was being a jerky yandere...

Were you fighting over Garroth? Or the door?

No! Ew! The doors for Garroth to be fought.

Then what was it?

Were fighting over someone... Someone special..

Ooo! Who? Is it Aphmau? Is it Kawaii~chan😏?

No! Someone else!🙅

Come on..Tell me🙏

Well she's... Right across me..

Zane? You two were fighting about Vylad?

No! Its a She!!

Wait..Me? Why?

He's jealous again because no one dated him

Aw.. Poor Laurence..

No! Not poor Laurence! He wants me dead!

You're scary aren't you? Scare him!

He's not intimidated by me..

Then I'll kill you too!🔪🔪🔪

What why?!??

Show him who you really are Zane! Or are you weak?




I turned off my phone and tuck myself in. Let's see where this will bring Laurence..I dont know who's scarier me or Laurence..

Nah! I'm much scarier than that  Loser Laurence.

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