Dont hurt me! Please!

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Play song: Shatter Me/Pacify Her Nightcore.

I woke up in my old room. Oh no.

I'm being tied up again...Dad's not here. Where is he?! Where's my big brother?

I tried to break free but I can't.

"Don't try to escape dear. No one is here to save you." Mom was holding a gun to my Dad's head.

"Dad!! No!." I scream

I saw my brother holding a phone quickly dialing something before he got shot by my mom.

"Alpha!." I shout my brother's name.

"See, one by one being killed.

" mom. Please. Dont hurt them. You did to one please don't! " I begged and broke free and ran to Alpha.

"Alpha..please stay. please." I cried.

"Don't worry... I'll always be with you baby sister." He said under his breath.

I turned into a werewolf because it was in my blood already. Dad was a werewolf while mom was a human. Alpha and I got his traits and abilities. Mom hated us being a werewolf because no one was close to her and she got into fights.

"MOM STOP!." I scream

She pulled the trigger and I saw my dad mouth something like I love you before mom killed him.

"You are horrid!." I bit her.

"Aggh! Stupid mutt!." She kicked me And I whimper in pain.

"You're not my child! You're a mutt! You belong in the pound!." She pulls my hair that it bleed.

"Aahhh!." I scream.

"Now.. For you. You ugly , unacceptable , disgraceful mutt!." She put the gun on my head. Before she could kill me the sirens sound of police cars. She kicks me and throws me to the dead bodies of my loved ones And runs away.

I whimper as I heard a policewoman try to help me up, but I fainted.


"Hello?." I wince in pain of the different wounds that mom marked me.

"You woke up!." A policewoman said.

"What  happened?." I asked.

"You were lying on the dead bodies of your family. Are you OK sweety?." She tucked a piece of my hair.

"No! My family got killed by the witch that's called my MOM!." I said in anger.

"Its OK sweety....Were investigating and put up a search party for your mom. Did she abuse you?." The policewoman asked

"Almost every time when Dad's not home." I cried.

"Its OK. For the meantime. We , the government, will be spending all your needs for the rest of your life and you'll be living in a new place called Mystreet. There, I will be likely your nice mom who will check on you from time to time OK?." She said.


"My name's Ms. Hanna." She Introduced.

"But. Can I see my family being buried?." I asked.

"Of course dear. We buried them in a special place near Mystreet so that you can visit them anytime you like." She said.

"Thank you." I was smiling but ddep inside I'm falling apart.

She tells me pack my things once we head to my house. The house of horrors. I took everything even the picture of me , dad and Alpha ,my big brother.

Then When I arrived at Mystreet my mom was there and she ran and stabbed me continuously.
I scream so loud.

~End of dream~

I woke up to shaken up by a black haired dude with a mask. Zane!

"Hey you alright?!." He was still shaking me.

"What the hay!." I shout and sit on my bed And let tears fall.

"You alright? Anything I can help with?." He sat next me.

I didn't answer and I let tears fall.
I felt warm arms sorrounding me. I looked up and saw it was ZNe hugging me.

"Don't cry.." He hugged me and I cried in his chest.

"Zane.. I'm scared of everything." I cried.

"What are you scared of?." He looked at me.

"Everything.... My family and my friends. I'm scared of everything Zane." I cried.

"Its ok. And I'm sorry for everything I did to you." He said. And I looked up. He was crying too. Why was he crying?

I pulled away and asked him while wiping my tears.

"How did you get in here?." I asked.

"I heard you scream and shout. I called the guys to check on you but they were too tired. So I came here." He said.

Does he care about me? No he doesn't I know for a fact he wont. He's still a black hearted person.

"Thanks Zane." I thanked him.

"No problem. Anyways gotta go princess." He said heading out.

Wait?! Did he call me princess? I felt a feeling I never had before. Love. No! IT CANT BE Y/N! DONT BE FOOLED!

I can't control myself. Everything is just too scary. I Cant do it. I can't really do it. It would be better if my brother and my dad was here. I miss them so much. I want to hug them. I want to tell them my fear. I want to be relaxed by them. I want to hear them say 'Its alright were here for you' 'We'll protect you'. I want to hear them say it to me. I want to see a happy life. I want to go and meet them right now. I want to hear them and tell me that everything's OK even if it isn't.

I took my hood out and put it on And wore some jeans and left the house and head to my brother and dad's grave. I stood there and then suddenly fall on my knees..

"I'm sorry this happened. I just want to hug you both and be protected away from that woman who wants to kill me. I wish it was me that died not you two. Please... I wish you could come back to life...." I cried with my hands on my face. So many tears fell. It was like my eyes were leaking so hard that it could leak blood.

"Please...I cant do this alone...." I cried.

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