Syra shivered. She had liked it when he had been gentle and loving, but she also liked him rough and demanding.

She almost blurted out, "Please do," but remained silent, a blush settling in her cheeks. Sebastian eyed her hungrily, his worries had been forgotten and Syra found herself glad she was the reason.

"We aren't here to discuss these things. I want to know about you. Like really know, Bast," she murmured softly as the waitress came back, depositing their drinks and telling them their food would be done shortly.

They both nodded, but their attention was on each other. The girl retreated with an awkward laugh.

"What would you like to know?" He asked, his eyes softening and projecting the love he felt towards her.

"The basics," Syra said, smirking and taking a sip of her Coke.

Sebastian grinned, sucked in a breath and began to tell her of himself. He told her his favorite color was blue, like her beautiful eyes, he preferred cats over monsterous dogs (to which Syra eyed him mischievously and he had snorted at her innuendo). He told her of his childhood, which had consisted of no one, his parents having died in battle. Syra's face had fallen at that, but he merely shrugged it off.

He spoke of his duties in Era, about how he had saved lives, he told her how he'd mostly been alone and how he had wished for company. He told her what he didn't like; dogs, Dante and people who smacked when they chewed their food (Syra had giggled at that and he flashed a charming smile). He told her how when he saw her, despite their obvious difference, he wanted her and had played a bellboy just to be with her, to sleep with her, but knew once he had that it would never be enough. He told how he loved her and after everything was over he planned to take her and their baby away to somewhere safe.

Syra had heard so much and when he had finished, she felt so much more connected to him. She had felt extremely connected before, but now it was complete. Sebastian had asked for her 'basic' things too and she had responded, telling him every single thing.

Somewhere in all that time of sharing secrets and feelings, Syra and Sebastian managed to gulp down their food and had chatted away into the evening so late the owner of the café had approached them and told the two it was closing time.

Sebastian had apologized and paid more than he should've, refusing the owner's protests to hand the money back. He had simply said, "It's a gift for letting us get to know each other more."

The kind man with a graying beard and hair smiled warmly and they left, happier than they had in a long time.


As Syra unlocked the hotel door, she hurriedly flicked on the lights and scanned the room. She had felt carefree enough on the walk home, but she hadn't forgot Zelina and Dante.

"We're alone. It's fine," Sebastian said, voice husky and delicious.

Syra shivered, shoving her worries aside as Sebastian kicked the door closed.

She suddenly remembered his promise of her paying for her kick to his shin and her snippy comment and felt her core drench.

She had just turned and Sebastian was almost slamming her against the wall (he had been mindful of her pregnant state and had been gentler than what he really could've been). She let out a surprised moan of desire and clenched her thighs around his waist.

"Didn't think I'd forget, did you? You and that mouth of yours," He growled and Syra shuddered. Her eyes locked with his glowing jade ones.

"Would you like to remind me?" Syra whispered, her voice low and seductive. Her pússy was pulsing to be entered by his côck, but knew there was much to come before then.

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