Charred Bones (Cryptic's Choice)

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The cover is a bit blurry on a PC but it is very creepy and inviting. The red tint and the partial mask are perfect.


The first sentence of the blurb grabs your attention. The rest of the blurb is great, though it needs a bit editing to really make it really shine. I felt as though it had tiny gaps here and there, though nothing major.

Chapter 1:

Wonderful start. I'm getting a sci-fi feel here. A shooting star grazes the sky and collides with Earth. I await havoc and destruction.

The descriptions are spot-on. I feel as though I am there, a little fly following the MC. I can see this new Earth and the people.

In the year 2150 everything is different. There is an alien race, the Huboans, living on this new Earth and the prejudiced is clear from the beginning. These alien people are executed for smaller crimes where the human people get better treatment. I am already beginning to feel worried as to if this prejudice will form a divide between races.

The little detail about the MC never buying meat from the market because of the heat is amazing. The ozone is so thin that the heat spoils the meat quickly. I really liked this. The visuals are stellar.

Though there are a couple tiny errors, they do not take away from your reading experience (nothing a good re-read won't find, and they are easily fixed).

All in all, this is a beautifully written sci-fi/fantasy story with a dark edge around it. Even if you are not a fan of this type of story, I think you will enjoy it. It is a hard story to look away from and it lingers in your mind after you have finished. Because of this, this story is well deserving of a Cryptic's Choice badge.

Good luck, darkling. 

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