Another Chance

64 9 1

User: enchanter1409

Cover: Decent cover. When in doubt, faces are a good technique for creating a simple dramatic cover that is still eye catching no matter the genre and the clouded overlay gives it a bit of mystique. 

Blurb: Who would have thought you would miss your chance to die?

Reyna did.She was given another chance. A chance to learn from few mistakes. A chance to say few words. A chance to trust the right people. A chance to learn to live. "What am I supposed to do?" She asked in low voice. The death reaper looked into her blue orbs. "Live.again"

This is an interesting blurb but it has a couple of grammatical errors that might put some readers off. There are missing connection words or the wrong word. For example: 'A chance to learn from few mistakes' should either be 'A chance to learn from a few mistakes' or 'A chance to learn from her mistakes.' Aside from grammar issues, it has a lovely poetic rhythm and style to it.  

First Chapter: Like the blurb, the writing of the first chapter flows like poetic prose. However the first chapter is peppered with grammatical mistakes and there are several words used incorrectly that make it hard to engage as a reader. Some of the mistakes look like simple auto-correct errors such as 'she watched herself taking the decision' instead of 'making the decision'. There are some beautiful sentences in here and this chapter could really shine with some proofreading. 

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