Night Witch (Cryptic's Choice)

200 17 7
  • इन्हें समर्पित: writervid

Author: writervid


I'm quite fond of it. The dark scheme gives clear distinction to the tone you want to set while the main image, the female, is set perfectly to catch a reader's attention immediately. Not to mention, the model herself gives a witch vibe with her appearance, so it fits the theme. The lighting and colors of the title are clear and distinctive. It's a great cover.


As much as I tried to find something to nit-pick, I couldn't. I mean, I was ready to tell you that you don't know how to spell magic, but you explained yourself in your summary. This is as well written as any novel I'd scan through in a store. The hook was well executed to start things off. The plot was given significant enough disclosure without making me feel like I already knew what was going to happen. I want to tell you it's awful because that would make me feel better, but you've taken that joy from me. Thanks a bunch.


I'm noticing some very good things right off the bat. Your first sentence, as I'm sure you already know, smacks the readers in the face and forces them to pay attention. Then, not even a full paragraph later you show your protagonist's emotions with growing dread and trembling fingers. You made me feel that dread, and that's the right way to pull in a reader.

After that you move into the emotions of the child, painting a picture of sadness and confusion that any youth would face in that situation. It's a very realistic portrayal of the internal battle this type of situation would cause. I found myself reading because I wanted to know if the brother was going to show up and save the day, meaning I was immersed enough to simply read instead of critique. I've had enough of your quality writing. You get the coveted badge of The CRYPTIC.

The REALM OF CRITIQUESजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें