Glitches (Cryptic's Choice)

107 17 3


Cover: Beautiful cover, with several eye catching elements. The color scheme has a very virtual reality feel to it  and the plunging sword, front and center, is a great focus. Despite the similarity of color, the text is textured enough not to get lost, even against the sword back drop. It speaks well to the sci fi virtual world we are about to enter. 

Blurb: Your parents don't exist. Your friends don't exist. Your school doesn't exist. Your life doesn't exist. They are all just computer codes, and you're the glitch. You're the reason they were all created.

But their life span is short, and soon, all the protection they gave you will be gone. Soon, your life will be in danger.

This blurb is short and sweet. It has a great balance of intrigue and hints and the second person perspective really ropes the reader in. You know what you are getting between the tags and blurb without being overloaded with information. 

Prologue: This was a banger of an opener. I ended up reading into the first chapter to get a better idea of how the story was structured. On the critical front, there were a couple word choices in the first few paragraphs that trip up the flow for the reader. A couple places where you could cut out excessive adverbs and still maintain the feel of the scene. Overall, this was a very well written first chapter, one that had some unsettling resonance to current events. There is a fine balance here between information over load and providing enough set up for the world at large before we dive into the Program. I found it an excellent, albeit bleak, premise and was left wanting to read on at the end of the prologue. Well done. 

The REALM OF CRITIQUESTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon