Hope and Faith

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It's a pretty cover, nothing too fancy.


Interesting, indeed! Made me want to read on.


First four sentences do little to keep my interest, but you make up for it when you mention Faith wondering about her name, and that it was probably pre-planned by her mom and her mom's best friend to name their daughters Faith and Hope.

The first half of the chapter felt very rushed. I had to stop and think about what was going on more than once. I had a hard time figuring out what was happening from time to time because of the rush.

There were some gaps that needed to be filled, a little more detail as to what happened to the murdered girl and the town's reaction, the mention of the murder was too swift for me, there was no depth. I want to feel for these characters.

I also want to know why Faith wants to go back home with such gusto even though she's going to be reporting a gruesome murder. Even though she's a reporter, she must have some empathy, if she doesn't,I'd like to know that too...show me that she's a wonderful or rotten human being.

I felt some more back-story about Faith and Hope here would have been nice.

The second half of this chapter is much better, for sure. The pace is better, there is more detail, and now I am beginning to see things rather than just read them.

I believe that with some work(especially with the start), you can make this chapter great.

Good luck, darkling. 

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