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"To thine own self is true, the journey inward is difficult and excruciating, but it's something that we believe we have been trained well for. To speak our mind and our heart, but always with kindness and respect for others. We have a good head on our dependable shoulders. The heart, figuratively and literally, has played a huge role in our life, in the decisions we have made, and in the paths we have chosen. Always listen to our heart, let it be our compass. Stay true to our course and never ever live someone else's life. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out our inner voice. And most important have the courage to follow our heart and intuition. They somehow already know what we truly want to become. Everything else is secondary."
* unanimous*

Disclaimer :

I read this from a book. And I forgot the name of the author. *All text is not from the author."

🍁Sypnosis: 🍁

Steffan is a billionaire and manages their own multi-billion dollar businesses in Italy. He went away and left Italy because of his ex-lover's fake pregnancy issues and lied to him. And he caught her with another man.

He pretended to be an ordinary guy and change his name to keep his identity a secret and avoid her ex-lover. But her ex-lover is obsessed with him. She wanted him back. She will do anything and everything to get him back, whatever it takes.

But Steffan met Catalina and is in love with her. But he was afraid to let Catalina know his dark side. And his true identity. He lied to her. His ex-lover then decided to kidnap Catalina and ask him to pay for her ransom. Sofia pretended to Steffan and sent an invitation to Catalina. She didn't know that Catalina is half Italian and she knows how to speak the Italian language.

She wanted to kill Catalina even if Steffan pay for her ransom if she can't have him back. All hell breaks loose when Steffan knew who masterminded it. He needs to get Catalina before it's too late.

The story has many twists and turn. You do not want to miss out. Continue reading the story as I have here 10 chapters to start with. Keep reading. It's a roller coaster ride.

Thank you all. Please don't forget to show your love for my story, by clicking the star at the bottom of your screen. Vote and Comment down below. Please help me share my story I would appreciate it much. Thanks!!

Love much,
G. 🌷

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